The Poetic Rhythm of the Shore

Lens-Artists Challenge #314 – Shorelines

Port Aransas, Texas

When you rise to witness the start of a new day, the world is calm and endless. That is the feeling I had when I captured this sunrise in Port Aransas, Texas. I am not an early riser but views like that stimulate me to get out of bed early.

Because there’s nothing more beautiful than the way
the ocean refuses to stop kissing the shoreline,
no matter how many times it’s sent away.
Sarah Kay

So, this week, Anne challenges us to share Shorelines. Please head to her post to marvel at the photos she shared. She poses a question and gives us her answer right at the start: “Where do you find peace and relaxation? I find mine wherever water touches land.” That is profound on so many levels. I love finding myself lost along a shoreline, whether an ocean, river, or lake.

Algarve, Portugal

Next, one of my favorite shoreline images is from the Algarve region in Portugal. The rugged Portuguese coast is stunning. While in Albufeira, we experienced that by taking a boat tour to the Benagil cave. Every view was amazing as we passed many rock formations along the shoreline interspersed with hard-to-reach beaches. I was constantly reminded of Camões’ verses:

Here, where the land ends and the sea begins…
Luís de Camões, Os Lusíadas

Let’s cross the Atlantic and go from Portugal to the south of the Equator with Brazilian beaches. From serene and nearly deserted to urban paradises, there is always something for everyone in Brazil.

Priest’s Well Beach (Fernando de Noronha, Brazil)
Meireles Beach (Fortaleza, Brazil)

Beaches are not the only places that bring me peace of mind. What is more relaxing than a babbling brook or a tranquil river like the Pedernales River? Besides providing recreation to thousands of people (whitewater rafting, fishing, and swimming), the Pedernales River plays a vital role in the biodiversity of the Texas Hill Country. Some species in that river include the Pedernales River Springs Salamander and the Guadalupe Bass.

Pedernales River, Texas

I also mentioned lakes as another source of beautiful shorelines. Since I started with a sunrise, I’ll close with a sunset at the beautiful Inks Lake State Park. This is another area that also provides lots of recreation. However, everything is quiet, and everyone admires nature’s picturesque closing of another day.

Inks Lake SP, Texas

There you have it, friends. I had to exert utmost control to include only a few images here.

Last week, John challenged us to focus on cool colors. With summer temperatures still afflicting many regions in the USA, seeing everyone’s beautiful images in their posts was a welcome relief.

I am looking forward to your responses to Anne’s Shorelines challenge this time. Don’t forget to use the “lens-artists” hashtag when responding to it so we can easily find it in the Reader.

Ritva will return with a new challenge next Saturday at noon EDT in the USA. I can hardly wait to see what she has in store. Stay tuned. Please visit this page to learn more about the Lens-Artists Challenge and its history.

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54 Responses

  1. Anne Sandler
    | Reply

    Beautiful images Egidio!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you for such a great challenge and your feedback, Anne.

  2. JohnRH
    | Reply

    Wowww. Great great selections Egidio. I love the bands of colors, lines, perspectives, et al. Excellent.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      John, I’m glad the post created this reaction for you. Thank you for the compliment.

  3. Writing to Freedom
    | Reply

    Those are stunning images and shores! Well done Egidio.

  4. Ana
    | Reply

    Wonderful post, Egidio. I wouldn’t know which image to choose as a favorite

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks so much for the feedback, Ana. It’s much appreciated.

  5. Leanne Cole
    | Reply

    They are all so beautiful Egidio. FAntastic,

  6. Tra Italia e Finlandia
    | Reply

    Tutte molto belle, Egidio. Ho visitato anch’io il Portogallo anni fa e Albufeira. Ho dei bellissimi ricordi.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Che bello che ti siano piaciute le foto. Grazie mille. Buona domenica!

  7. Sofia Alves
    | Reply

    Your sunsets are stunning, Egídio. Did you go inside the cave at Benagil? They are limiting the access now, too many tourists are putting the caves at risk. Thank you for your Camões quote. I studied the Lusíadas at school, found it a bore, of course. It’s hard to forget that it’s over 500 years old, but it’s so much of who we are.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you, Sofia. I had the hardest time in picking only one photo from Portugal. Yes, we did go into Benagil along the shore. That was the main motivation for the boat tour. The Portuguese coastline is magnificent. I also studied the Lusíadas in college in one of my master’s literature class. It’s not the most compelling book I’ve read, I’ll agree with you.

  8. margaret21
    | Reply

    Your lovely post title says it all …

  9. restlessjo
    | Reply

    What a dreamy image is that first one, Egidio, and I love the look of Priest’s Well Beach too.

  10. I am dreaming!
    Such lovely images, Egidio!

  11. photobyjohnbo
    | Reply

    I will be getting into Anne’s challenge as well, but you certainly have some spectacular images, Egidio!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      I’m thankful for your comment, John.

  12. Toonsarah
    | Reply

    Beautiful photos as always Egidio. Your sunrise and sunset shots are stunning and I love the Algarve one too – it really captures that coastline so well 😀

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      I’m happy you liked those photos, Sarah. Thanks for the compliment.

  13. Leya
    | Reply

    As always mezmerising – and poetic! No favourite – they all are.

  14. Tina Schell
    | Reply

    Wow Egidio, spectacular images this week! My favorite is the Algarve but all are amazing.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks a bunch, Tina. I had the hardest time picking only one photo from Portugal. Her coastline is stunning anywhere you go.

  15. Wandering Dawgs
    | Reply

    Egidio, you wowed me with every one of these images! I love the ocean shorelines and the two Texas lakes are fantastic.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      I’m glad you experienced that reaction. Thanks so much for your feedback.

  16. Tranature - quiet moments in nature
    | Reply

    Beautiful shores Egidio and the way you captured the Pedernales river in Texas is amazing 💙

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Xenia, thank you very much for this feedback.

  17. Aletta - nowathome
    | Reply

    Your shorelines are beautiful Egidio!

  18. Pingback: […] Lens-Artist Photo-Challenge Egidio:…Shorelines […]

  19. pattimoed
    | Reply

    Wow, Egidio. Another gorgeous gallery! You’ve captured these exquisite scenes in places I’ve never visited. The scenes in the Algarve and Brazil are stunning. More wonderful places to see and experience. You have a terrific photographic eye!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Patti, thank you for your compliment. I appreciate the feedback.

  20. Rupali
    | Reply

    A lovely selection, Egidio.

  21. Terri Webster Schrandt
    | Reply

    Incredible shoreline views, Egidio! The one of the Algarve is stunning! I’m now getting your posts sent to me. 😀 I’m sharing some lake views tomorrow for L-A.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      I’m happy you liked the post, Terri. Thanks for the feedback and for subscribing to the blog.

  22. Teresa
    | Reply

    Your photos, as always, are all amazing Egidio.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Teresa, thank you for these kind words.

  23. Albatz Travel Adventures
    | Reply

    Beautiful beaches – I love the green water in the Algarve but basically all your places where the water meets the land meets the sky are beautiful.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks, Elizabeth. Yes, the Algarve coast is impressive.

  24. Lindy Le Coq
    | Reply

    These are all lovely, Egídio. The colors of the water in the Algarve, Portugal and Meireles Beach photos are stunning. I especially like the tranquility of Priest’s Well Beach. Looks like a place I would enjoy being!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Lindy, thank you for the comments. The Priest’s Well Beach in really tranquil and never crowded. All the beaches in the Fernando de Noronha archipelago are serene.

  25. Wind Kisses
    | Reply

    Right on to Sarah Kays quote! I concur. I still remember my first visit to the Algarve. There were not any words. It was meant to take in. The sights, the sounds, the magic, or is it science, of nature. I especially love the photo of the Perdernales River. Not because of its knowledge of recreation you mention, but because the photo draws me in. An invitation if you will, to walk on those rocks with an effort to keep the feet dry. It never really matters, does, it? lol. I will try to log in next week, for your post. This was nice, in your “you” fashion.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      It’s wonderful to be surprised by a note from you. I hope you’re well. Thanks for the supportive words and for commenting on the post.

  26. PR
    | Reply

    Wonderful shores, Egidio..

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