Tatanka’s Thunder


This is a still photo from a GoPro video I made while visiting Caprock Canyons State Park in the Texas Panhandle. As we began driving the two-lane road crossing Lake Theo, we saw a few dozen bison on a stampede coming our way. With no room to turn around, I stopped the car and hoped the bison would go around. As they approached our vehicle, they slowed down and went around. Seeing these large animals going by closely was a bit terrifying. Luckily, there was no harm to us or our vehicle.

Caprock Canyons State Park is home to the Texas State Bison Herd. According to the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department, genetic testing “discovered a rare genetic marker revealing that the herd was perhaps the last remaining group of southern plains bison.”

Thick-skinned, tough, and sometimes terrifying, the American Bison is more than an iconic image of the Great Plains. These animals symbolize strength and power, resilience, freedom, and wildness. Also, for many Native American people, the bison holds deep spiritual and cultural significance. The Lakota people call them Tatanka.


That’s the story behind the shots. If you liked these photos, you might also be interested in other posts featuring American Bison, Bison, Caprock Canyons SP, Landscapes, Monochrome, Monochrome Madness, Parks, Texas, and Wildlife. Until the next time, keep clicking and capturing the beauty your eyes find.

Posted for Leanne’s Monochrome Madness #26: The Letter T.

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12 Responses

  1. Toonsarah
    | Reply

    I love the effect you’ve achieved here, it makes the animals seem more threatening and even a bit prehistoric in appearance!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you very much, Sarah, for these supportive words. One thing I liked in the capture was the dust they created. That added to the feel you described. Thanks again.

  2. Anne Sandler
    | Reply

    Wow, you probably had a few seconds of fear and wonderment Egidio! And the result was great images. I’m imagining the sound and ground rumble they made as they approached and went passed your car.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Anne, you got that right! The fear is present. Their sound is amazing. I remember the first time I saw bison was in Yellowstone. I could hear them in the distance at Lamar Valley. Thanks for the feedback.

  3. Pepper
    | Reply

    I love everything about that first photo. The framing, sky, and the sense of motion of the buffalo. Well done!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Pepper, thanks for that detailed comment. I picked that one frame in the video because of the sense of motion, the dust on the ground, and the buffalo apparent motion.

  4. Leanne Cole
    | Reply

    These are amazing Egidio, wonderful.

  5. Amy
    | Reply

    These magnificent creatures were so close to you! Great photos, Egidio!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks so much, Amy. It’s both scary and rewarding to be that close unexpectedly.

  6. Too good!

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