
Brushing the Azure Expanse

We just had our first significant freeze and snow of the year. So, why am I posting wildflower photos? Knowing Texas weather, I am confident — in the same vein a weather forecaster is — we will see new wildflowers way before mid-February.

Springtime in Texas is allergy season. The same is true for winter when cedar pollen is high. With the right amount of rain in the fall, we can be assured of an excellent wildflower display on the fields and roads across the state, such as the ones I captured at Willow City Loop. I don’t know if that will be the case this year. We will have bluebonnets, Indian paintbrushes, Texas Stork’s Bill, and other wildflowers, but they will likely not be in large expanses.

Texas Stork’s Bill

That’s the story behind the shots. If you liked these photos, you might also be interested in other posts featuring Bluebonnets, FOTD, Indian Paintbrush, Texas, Texas Stork’s Bill, Wildflowers, and Willow City Loop. Until the next time, keep clicking and capturing the beauty your eyes find.

For Cee’s FOTD.

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21 Responses

  1. Anne Sandler
    | Reply

    Egidio, your wildflowers are beautiful. It was so nice to see them early this morning.

  2. Toonsarah
    | Reply

    Lovely to see a foretaste of your spring, especially as ours still feels some way off!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks, Sarah. I hope my “forecast” comes true. The cold in the last couple of weeks and this week’s snow are enough for this winter. Texas has short winters.

  3. Rebecca Cuningham
    | Reply

    Beautiful wildflowers!

  4. restlessjo
    | Reply

    That’s a beautiful shot of the Stork’s Bill, Egidio. Here’s to a flower filled Spring!

  5. norasphotos4u
    | Reply

    Gorgeous field of flowers!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks, Nora. I’m glad you liked that field. I can hardly wait for spring to bring those back.

  6. Tranature - quiet moments in nature
    | Reply

    Beautiful flowers Egídio, it’s so nice to see a splash of colour at this time of year 😊

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Xenia, you brought up an excellent point. Thank you.

  7. Amy
    | Reply

    Your beautiful photos to remind us spring will come soon!

  8. Beautiful!

  9. Cee Neuner
    | Reply

    Gorgeous photos 😀 😀

  10. Cee Neuner
    | Reply

    Beautiful flowers 😀

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