
Texas Winecup

— Trying to maintain social distancing and yet remain active and able to be outside our home, yesterday afternoon we went hiking at LCRA‘s McKinney Roughs Nature Park, just minutes from downtown Austin. I was expecting to see some wildflowers, which I did, but what I did not expect was to witness several pollinators in action. Well, action here could be a vague term, as evidenced by the photo above. I suppose those pollinators decided to take a break from their hard work and work hard on something else. I confess that when I made this shot, I truly thought there was only one of those insects in this beautiful Texas Winecup. Only later at home did I realize I had intruded in their lovemaking encounter. This short hike on the Riverside Trail proved to be an eyeopener in many ways. McKinney Roughs is another gem in Austin. Below you’ll see two other shots I was able to get with pollinators in action. I especially liked the bottom shot with the insect covered in pollen.


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