Destination: Lake Bastrop South Shore Park
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— Lake Bastrop South Shore Park is a stunning natural retreat located near Bastrop, Texas. Offering a peaceful escape from the hustle and bustle of everyday life, this scenic park sits on the shores of beautiful Lake Bastrop. Visitors can … Read More

Hobbiton Dreams
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— Whenever I think of magical landscapes or dreamy locations, I do not have to go far to find one. At approximately 45 minutes from downtown Austin, Texas, and just within a mile of each other, visitors can immerse themselves … Read More

Peace and Quiet
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— I truly believe there is not a place near Austin where I can find such tranquil scenes as in Lake Bastrop South Shore Park. During the COVID lockdown in 2020, I used to go to this park to hike … Read More

McKinney Roughs Nature Park
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— Exactly a year ago today, a couple of friends invited me to come along with them for a hike at LCRA‘s McKinney Roughs Nature Park. We had just started feeling the effects of the pandemic and were looking for … Read More

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— Trying to maintain social distancing and yet remain active and able to be outside our home, yesterday afternoon we went hiking at LCRA‘s McKinney Roughs Nature Park, just minutes from downtown Austin. I was expecting to see some wildflowers, … Read More

Inks Lake Sunset
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— One of the advantages of being retired is the ability to get up and go at a moment’s notice with very little planning or no planning at all. This winter of 2020, I have been doing exactly that. Not … Read More

Swift Trail
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— Sometimes a scene is so perfect that there is nothing else needed in post-editing. I spent the last three days enjoying the quietness and beauty of Lake Bastrop South Shore park in Bastrop. Although today the weather is approaching … Read More

Inks Lake
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— When temperatures rise in Texas, there’s no better way to stay cool than in the water. This shot was made three years ago to the day, when I was enjoying the Texas Hill Country along with friends. Inks Lake … Read More

Lake Bastrop, South Shore Park
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Lake Bastrop South Shore Park is a hidden treasure just about 45 minutes southeast of Austin. It should not be confused with Bastrop State Park, which is just a few minutes from it. This is an LCRA (Lower Colorado River … Read More