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— Living and learning is a well-known adage that often pops into my routine. That was the case when I was researching about Corvids. I had a vague idea of some of the birds that are in the Corvidae family. … Read More

COTA Faces
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— Everyone who knows me is aware I go to nearly all races at the Circuit of the Americas (COTA), here in Austin, Texas. Although I do not know much about cars at all, there is something exhilarating and exciting … Read More

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— Simplicity in nature can be defined as the elegant beauty we see around us, even in the smallest of things. It is that kind of beauty that is unpretentious, uncluttered, and sometimes free of unnecessary complexity. As an example, … Read More

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— If you are like me, you cannot resist passing by a garden or a natural area with a number of ferns. Maybe it is because they are delicate, but I find them magical. For some people, ferns are often … Read More

Endurance, Courage, Power, and Beauty
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— Before anything is said, there needs to be a clarification. All cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are cacti. Therefore, the Aloe Vera plant, for example, is not a cactus. Also, simply because a plant may have thorns … Read More

The Cycle of Life
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“Life’s picture is constantly undergoing change. The spirit beholds a new world every moment.“Rumi In one of life’s wonderful serendipitous moments, I was lucky to have been at the right place and the right time in two separate instances to … Read More

Pollinator Week
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— Is this bee taking a nap or is it totally inebriated with pollen? The third week of June celebrates Pollinator Week. It is an annual event celebrated internationally in support of pollinator health. It is a time to celebrate … Read More

Life Fragments
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— When I first visited Seminole Canyon SP and Historic Site (Texas), I did not know about the historic side of the park. I had driven by the park a couple of times on my way to Big Bend NP, … Read More

Birds feeding, drinking, bathing
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— This week, the Denzil Nature blog challenged us to share photos of birds feeding and drinking. His blog invited us with this note and some beautiful photos: For Nature Photo Challenge #15 I would like to encourage you to … Read More

White-Mouth Dayflower & Evening Primrose
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— A couple of weeks ago, while on a photo walk with a couple of friends, we spent a couple of hours at Berry Springs Park and Preserve, in Georgetown, Texas, just a few miles north of Austin. I must … Read More

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