Asymmetry Everywhere
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— After last week’s Lens-Artists‘ challenge on symmetry, this week the challenge was asymmetry in photography. Donna’s challenge was beautifully proposed in an eye-catching gallery illustrating good examples of asymmetry. Asymmetrical balance in photography is easier found than one would … Read More

Why Symmetry?
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— There is always something very pleasing when a photograph displays balance in its composition. That is generally an element that, when present, can make a photo better. In this week’s Lens-Artists challenge, Sofia gave us several examples of symmetry … Read More

Deep Thoughts
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— I do not know about you, but whenever I am traveling, I often find myself reading and photographing signs on restaurant walls. Some of them can be clever, profound, and funny. Throughout the years, I have photographed many of … Read More

Contrasting Lines
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— Completed in 2004, the Austin City Hall building was designed by architect Antoine Predock. The building has several distinctive features, including a copper-clad roof, a glass-enclosed lobby, and sustainable materials used in its construction. One other feature, perhaps the … Read More

A Turning Point
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— When I look back at all the years I have been playing with photography, there are several meaningful photos that come to mind. However, if I were asked to pick the most impactful that touched me on a personal … Read More

Over the Moon
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— Right at the start I have to say that night and astrophotography are not areas that I devote much time to in my photography. Nevertheless, whenever there is a new full moon, I am often intrigued by it. So, … Read More

Orb Weavers
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— Just in time for Halloween, I bring you a few spiders I photographed around my yard, Huntsville State Park, and the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. I confess I am never very comfortable when I am making these macros. … Read More

Passage of Time
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— Clocks and calendars are two of many ways of keeping track of time. Similarly, photography can also capture time, even if just a moment in time. It may not be a continuous depiction of time, but nevertheless, a photo … Read More

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— I have often enjoyed photographing ladybugs, but I have to admit they are not the most cooperative subjects I have photographed. The hardest thing is to get them to stay still. Although I have enjoyed capturing them on different … Read More

Black and White or Monochrome
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— According to PhotographyLife website, black and white photography is defined as “the art of using different tones of gray, ranging from white to dark, to create compelling images.” It is not as easy as one might think. A lot … Read More

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