Above and Around
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— There are several reasons I like spending time at Lake Bastrop South Shore. One reason is its proximity to home. In just a short forty-five-minute drive, I can be walking surrounded by loblollies. Another reason is the tranquility this … Read More

When It Rains…
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— Whenever I go road biking at the Northeast Metro Park, I always like to keep my eyes open for wildflowers and Gilleland Creek. I especially make it a point to bike in that area after heavy rains. True, at … Read More

Happy Memorial Day
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— I was going through my photos with the US flag to find one that I wanted to share here in celebration of Memorial Day 2020. What an odd year this has been! The photo above was made barely six … Read More

Twin Bridges
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— Connecting the north shore to Lake Bastrop South Shore, there is a 5-mile (8-km) trail that offers some of the best views in the park. The trail is moderate, but it does have a couple of difficult hilly areas. … Read More

White-Tailed Deer
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— I have seen deer in several of my hikes and bike rides, but it is generally early in the morning or early evening. Yesterday it was a first for me to see this beautiful white-tailed deer right in the … Read More

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— Whenever I go biking at Northeast Metro Park, the scenery is always varied and pleasant. The number of wildflowers in that park is always pleasing. Early in the spring, the fields are covered with Bluebonnets, the Texas official state … Read More

Giant Spiderwort
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— One of the nicest things about spring in Texas is that the display of wildflowers seems to on-going from February through early June. After Bluebonnets are done with their impressive display all over the state, you then have other … Read More

Sunset at ICP
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— It has now been seven years since I first experienced the pristine beauty and quietness of the Texas Nature Conservancy’s Independence Creek Preserve. Not much has changed since that first visit. The preserve still has 3-4 Friday open days … Read More

Standing Tall
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— About a year and a half ago, I visited Martin Dies, Jr. SP for the first time. Having watched the Texas Parks and Wildlife Department TV shows on a regular basis, I thought I knew what to expect. I … Read More

Swift Trail
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— Sometimes a scene is so perfect that there is nothing else needed in post-editing. I spent the last three days enjoying the quietness and beauty of Lake Bastrop South Shore park in Bastrop. Although today the weather is approaching … Read More

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