A Haven of Peace
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— In today’s hectic world, it can be difficult to find peace or a place to relax and escape the noise and stress. We are constantly bombarded with noise, stress, and anxiety. But it’s important to have a haven of … Read More

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— Energized is my new year’s word. I am not the kind of person who makes new year’s resolutions. However, for 2023, I chose that word because of an assignment in a photo critique group that I recently joined. The … Read More

Wolf Mountain Trail
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— Whenever I go to Pedernales Falls SP, in the Hill Country, outside of Austin, Texas, I often hike trails along the Pedernales River. After all, the river and its falls are the main attraction drawing people there. A few … Read More

COTA Views
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— It seems like it was just yesterday when bike nights at the Circuit of the Americas (COTA) started. That was in the spring of 2017. COVID made us skip a year, but the event returned in 2021. The sponsorship … Read More

Navajo Blanket
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I have often heard that photographers should familiarize themselves with a location before they go out for a photoshoot. It pays to know your surroundings and what to expect out of them. I have made full use of that knowledge … Read More

Second Freeze
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— Another freeze has come and gone in Texas. A few weeks ago, I wrote about the first freeze of this year. This second freeze was much stronger, but it was nothing like the 2021 freeze. Nevertheless, we had three … Read More

Reflecting on Austin’s New Icon
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— I have been living in Austin since the mid-1980s. I recall back then that the northernmost point before leaving city limits was around IH-35 and E Highway 290. Not much else was north of there. There were even empty … Read More

Sunset at COTA
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— It is really hard to imagine that it has now been four years that the Circuit of the Americas began its Tuesday evenings bike rides. I have gone biking there pretty regularly now. In 2020, because of the pandemic … Read More

Pollinator Week
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— June 21-27, 2021, was pollinator week. Taking advantage of one day of cooler weather, I revisited the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. It was a very productive visit for a number of reasons. While walking the grounds of the … Read More

McKinney Roughs Nature Park
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— Exactly a year ago today, a couple of friends invited me to come along with them for a hike at LCRA‘s McKinney Roughs Nature Park. We had just started feeling the effects of the pandemic and were looking for … Read More

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