Lens-Artists Challenge #323 – Silence

Morning Haze
(Fortaleza, Brazil)

I recently found a YouTube video about renowned American photographer Robert Adams’s use of silence in photography. His deep connection to the concept of silence and the environment intrigued me. There is a lot of information about Robert Adams online.

This week, I propose we explore how we see silence in photography. This is a subjective theme, so there is no right or wrong approach. It is your vision and way of perceiving silence in your work, whether you are a hobbyist or a professional photographer.

Within you is the light of a thousand suns.
Within you is unimaginable beauty.

Robert Adams

Here are five of Robert Adams’s core principles of silence in photography to give you an idea of what I have seen and read.

Silence of Light

San Gabriel River Foliage

In Adams’s thinking, he photographs the way light can create a sense of stillness and tranquility in an image. Even if a subject is not inherently peaceful, one can still find silence of light. One can always find a sense of timelessness.

Silent Witness to Environmental Change

West Texas

This is a big one as we look at the impact of human activity on the landscape. In Adams’s photos, he photographed the American West at length, documenting those changes. His photos tend to show our collective failure to address environmental issues.

The Silence of the Subject

Silent Halls
(Jerónimos Monastery, Portugal)

Adams’s photographs frequently show landscapes and architecture without human presence. This is an obvious choice to create a sense of solitude and contemplation and invite the viewer to reflect on their relationship with the natural world.

Do not look for signs. Do not look for experiences.
Do not be so complicated. Become like a child.
See everything with awe.
Robert Adams

Silence as a Form of Protest

Island in the Sky
(Canyonlands NP)

This topic goes in tandem with the previous item. In Adams’s photos, we often see a silent protest against the destruction of the environment and the loss of natural beauty.

“The secret to peace of mind is to not identify
with anything other than your true self.
Robert Adams

The Silence of the Viewer


While creating his photographs, Adams brings the viewer into a contemplative mood and a silent dialogue with the image.

In brief, we can see Adams’s powerful photographs as a means for self-reflection and introspection. His photos bring awareness to our planet’s fragility and the importance of protecting it for future generations.

I look forward to seeing how you express silence in your photographs. Don’t forget to use the “lens-artists” hashtag when creating your post so we can easily find it in the Reader.

Last week, Ritva used Leonard Cohen’s verses, “Everything has a crack; that’s how the light gets in,” to challenge us for our interpretation of those verses. The responses we saw were varied and beautiful. Creativity is always present in these challenges.

What’s up for next week? Patti (of https://pilotfishblog.com) will be leading her In The Details challenge. Choose a subject (a statue, a person, a place, street art, etc.) and take a series of photos about your subject. Get closer and closer to the subject, focusing on a particular detail(s).  Vary your shots by changing your perspective or angle of shooting or even your lens.  Post three photos of your subject. Feel free to shoot another series on a second subject. Tune in next Saturday at noon EST in the USA. Please see this page to learn more about the Lens-Artists Challenge and its history.

Until then, keep on clicking and capturing the beauty your eyes find.

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109 Responses

  1. JohnRH
    | Reply

    Wow. BEAUTIFUL photos, very thoughtful theme. Well done.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      You are very kind, John. I appreciate your support and compliment.

  2. margaret21
    | Reply

    This is a terrific challenge, and beautifully explained and illustrated. I know for a fact I shan’t be able to do it this week – going away, and before that – busy busy. But I’ll pop it away for later and give it some thought.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you for the feedback, Margaret. I’ll miss your photos, but I’m sure you have a great time away. Enjoy!

      • margaret21
        | Reply

        I will do the challenge one fine day. Just ,,, not yet.

        • Egidio Leitao
          | Reply

          Oh, that’s very sweet of you. Thank you. Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

  3. Pingback: […] Lens-artist : silence […]

  4. sheetalbravon
    | Reply

    Beautiful photos that interpret the theme of silence magnificently, Egidio.
    Participating in this weekly challenge after a long time. I guess in a way, I am breaking the ‘silence’ of my blog.
    This is what I wrote…
    Hope you enjoy reading about the town named Ayodhya in India.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you, Sheetal. I appreciate your feedback and breaking your silence. I’ll comment directly on your post.

  5. Sofia Alves
    | Reply

    I loved to think about this challenge, Egídio. Your post made me realise how much silence influences my photography, how it allows me to connect to my subject. You know I get all teary when I see something from Portugal, so double thank you for that. Your photos are stunning.
    Here is mine:

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Sofia, as I was preparing for the challenge, I could vividly see some of your photos as examples of silence. I’ll leave me comments on your post. Thank you for your wonderful feedback.

  6. JohnRH
    | Reply

    Mine: https://fairplay740.wordpress.com/2024/11/02/lens-artists-challenge-323-silence/

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks, John. I left my remarks there.

  7. marina
    | Reply

    great captures! I like the roads picture particularly.
    Here is mine

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you so much for this feedback and compliment, Marina. I appreciate that. I left my comment in your post.

  8. restlessjo
    | Reply

    I love that monastery! Silence is a precious thing, Egidio.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks, Jo. Yes, that monastery is special. We loved the others we saw in Portugal, including Tomar.

  9. photo robert
    | Reply

    hello egidio,

    wonderful photos and very different pictures, I especially like the 1st, 3rd and the last one.
    here is my contribution, https://wp.me/pfnz9O-wc.

    many greetings robert

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Hi, Robert. Thanks for your feedback. I appreciate that. I’ll leave my remarks in your post.

  10. eklastic
    | Reply
    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Your note was blank. It could be a WP glitch maybe, but I thought I’d let you know.

      • eklastic
        | Reply

        It was meant to be; silence. Sorry to go cryptic on you.

        • Egidio Leitao
          | Reply

          That crossed my mind, but I thought I’d make sure since it’s common to have WP glitches. Thank you.

          • eklastic

            YES! (to the glitches at wp, particularly of late) and therefore: thanks for checking up. Have a wonderful week.

          • Egidio Leitao

            Same to you. Thanks.

  11. Vicki
    | Reply

    Beautiful images and perfect for the challenge this coming week.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Vicki, I appreciate this feedback. Thank you so much.

  12. Philo
    | Reply

    Beautiful theme and such magnificent images, Egidio!
    Now I know the reason why silence speaks louder than the loudest!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you, Philo. I very much appreciated these kind words.

  13. Ana
    | Reply

    Great post and challenge. Very interesting photography topic. I have bookmarked the YouTube video to watch it later. Very beautiful images!!!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you very much, Ana. Your kindness is appreciated.

  14. Pingback: […] theme of Egídio this week is silence. He explained the five principles of Robert Adams about silence. I tried to find for three of them […]

  15. beautiful post and theme I feel it somehow follows my theme in some funny way. Zen for some reason resinated the most for me.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      I am glad that photo resonated the most for you. I thank you for the feedback.

  16. Leanne Cole
    | Reply

    What a great idea for a challenge Egidio, I love it.
    YOu have shown some wonderful images for it.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Leanne, many thanks for this supportive feedback.

  17. Silence – Anvica's gallery
    | Reply

    Pingback: […] Posted as part of Lens-Artists:  Silence […]

  18. photobyjohnbo
    | Reply

    I love the concepts you shared, but I am glad to have the flexibility to “go my own way.” >grin<

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks, John. I think it is important to let people express art in their own way.

  19. Wandering Dawgs
    | Reply

    There’s beauty in every one of these images. Wonderful and thoughtful challenge.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Beth, thank you so much for these supportive words.

  20. Tina Schell
    | Reply

    A very beautiful and thoughtful post Egidio. I like the way you explored all of the thoughts of a renowned photographer and translated them with your own marvelous images/interpretations. I’m looking forward to some wonderful responses.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Your compliment is so appreciated. Many thanks.

  21. Terri Webster Schrandt
    | Reply

    I love everything about this post, Egidio, from the Adams’ perspective of silence to your versions. Indeed a wide-open prompt for our interpretation. I’m impressed you caught NO people, especially in that monastery. My bucket list post this week includes some ideas of silence. Thanks for hosting L-A this week. Here’s mine:


    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Many thanks, Terri. I wanted to leave the door open for everyone’s interpretation on the theme. I left my comment on your post. Thank you.

  22. Tranature - quiet moments in nature
    | Reply

    Beautiful images Egidio and I love all the Robert Adams quotes and the way silence can be seen and felt, both within the photographer and within the viewer. My contribution for this week’s wonderful challenge is here: https://tranature.com/2024/11/03/seeing-silence-touch-the-sky/

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Xenia, thanks a million for your feedback and your post. I wrote my comments there.

  23. Toonsarah
    | Reply

    Beautiful images as always Edigio – I especially love the Canyonlands shot 🙂 And thank you for introducing me to those principles of Robert Adams, they really resonated with me. I took them as my starting point in deciding what to share this week and came up with this: https://www.toonsarah-travels.blog/gallery-experiencing-silence-at-mono-lake/

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Sarah, I thank you for your feedback and take on the challenge. I left my comments there.

  24. Dawn M. Miller
    | Reply

    Beautiful post and theme, I can’t wait to get started on it!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you so much, Dawn. I will look forward to your post.

  25. Yanaj *
    | Reply

    All pictures are outstanding, Egídio! One can really get lost in their beauty, vastness and, yes, SILENCE! I love the fact, that nothing disturbs the eye in most of the photographs. Except of the sign, of course, which indeed calls for awareness and action on behalf of our beautiful remaining natural world. Thank you for this brilliant challenge and it’s very important message! I loved every bit of it!

    Here is my contribution: https://beingamazedcom.wordpress.com/2024/11/03/%f0%9f%93%b8-in-search-of-silence/

    PS: Regarding your website: Strangely I couldn’t send this comment so far, though I am already subscribed. I had to subscribe again and confirm my email, so I hope this time it will work smoothly.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Yanaj, thanks for your wonderful feedback and patience with WP. I don’t know why it does that regarding asking people to subscribe again.

  26. Klausbernd
    | Reply

    Hi Egidio
    Perfect pictures to express silence. Pictures and Adam’s quote go well together.
    Thanks for sharing
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Dear Fab Four, thank you so much for your compliment.

  27. Pingback: […] Lens-Artists Photo Challenge (LAPC) – Silence […]

  28. Hammad Rais
    | Reply

    Your examples for Robert Adams’s principals are just self-explanatory, Egidio!
    Marvelous captures 🙂

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Hammad, I appreciate you taking time to write. Thank you.

  29. Pingback: […] I especially appreciate the hint concerning our environment as “silent witnesses”. It is in itself a call to action to give those a voice, who can’t speak for themselves. Please check out Egídio’s outstanding original post with stunning pictures, wise words and inspiring quotes here. […]

  30. Tina Schell
    | Reply

    Egidio, this is such a beautiful post and a wonderful theme. Your images are so well matched to Adams’ ideas and quotes. I wish I’d had more time to spend on my response but alas my computer woes restricted both my time and my access. I know the response this week will be terrific – how could it not with such a perfect example to follow?!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Tina, thank you for your thoughtful reply. I was unaware of Robert Adams’s work. I’m glad I ran into that video about his work. This is a very late reply on my part. Sorry for the oversight.

  31. Tina Schell
    | Reply

    Hmmm….I don’t see my comment Egidio, hopefully you’re screening them?? If not please let me know. In the meanwhile I for got my link https://travelsandtrifles.wordpress.com/2024/11/03/lens-artists-challenge-323-silence/ . Loved your challenge and your gorgeous post!

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      I found out your comments had gone to spam for whatever reason WP decided.

  32. Stupidity Hole
    | Reply

    I like the West Texas photo the most.
    I think they’re all good, but I really like the sense of emptiness it has, even though it isn’t.

    Here’s mine for this one:


    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks for this feedback. I really appreciate it. That emptiness in the West Texas photo is so typical of this state. I’m glad you liked it. I left a comment in your post, but I don’t see it. Maybe it needs to be approved or WP is acting up again. I liked your entry with those cloud formations. They pull the viewer in to soak in that silence above. Great post you have.

  33. Perpetua
    | Reply

    Excellent photos of silence in different perspectives. Love it.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks, Perpetua. I’m glad you liked it.

  34. pattimoed
    | Reply

    What an inspiring theme, Egidio. I really love it. As always, your photos are gorgeous. You have such an eye for natural beauty. I should take a look at Robert Adams’ video. It looks intriguing. I took a “geographical” approach to your theme. Here’s a link:


  35. Leya
    | Reply

    I love this theme, Egidio, the way you unfolded it and your amazing photography. The monastery is very beautiful and I lost my heart to your morning haze from Fortaleza. I can hear the silence.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Ann-Christine, your feedback warms my heart. Thank you very much.

  36. Heyjude
    | Reply

    A beautiful theme Egidio – I like the concept of silence in photography and I love the Robert Adams’ quotes.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you so much for this feedback. I appreciated it.

  37. Writing to Freedom
    | Reply

    Wonderful challenge, photos, and ideas from Robert Adams. I love the Canyonlands image Egidio. Silence is golden.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you, Brad. That national park has memorable views, and accessing them is so easy.

  38. Alison
    | Reply

    These quotes are lovely Edigio and your photos are full of silence

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Ali, I’m happy you liked the post. Thanks for the feedback.

  39. Aletta - nowathome
    | Reply

    What a great theme! Your photos are very beautiful!
    Here is my entry:

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you for the feedback, Aletta. I left comments in your post.

  40. Pingback: […] Lens-Artists Photo Challenge: Silence […]

  41. Rupali
    | Reply

    Amazing post, Egidio and I love the theme.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks for the compliment, Rupali. I appreciate it.

  42. Teresa
    | Reply

    Beautiful images for the theme. Here is mine: https://wanderingteresa.com/the-silence-of-bruny-island/

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Teresa, thank you for your compliment. Apologies for this late reply here. I had written a comment on the Reader, but it never showed up.

  43. margaret21
    | Reply

    I said I would have trouble making time for this challenge. But I found I just had to give it a go. A bit hurried, but still … I tried! https://margaret21.com/2024/11/06/silence/

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      You are wonderful! Thanks for taking time from your busy schedule to send this. I just now realize the response I had sent via the Reader never appeared. WP acted up again.

  44. Lindy Le Coq
    | Reply

    Silence – wonderful topic and great examples. Also you introduced me to a photographer I was unaware of. Thank you! https://lindylecoq.com/2024/11/06/lens-artists-photo-challenge-323-silence/

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks for the wonderful feedback. I left my comment in your post.

  45. nesfelicio
    | Reply

    Wonderful theme and examples, Egidio.
    Thought-provoking ideas from Robert Adams.
    Here’s my “silent” contribution

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks for the feedback, Nes. I left my comment in your post.

  46. André
    | Reply

    A wonderful topic and very nice examples. My favorites are the cloister and the Zen garden. 👍

    In addition, I also have my contribution 😊


    Late, but from my heart 😁

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      André, many thanks. It is not late at all. Another challenge won’t go up until Saturday. Even after that, people can contribute posts any time. Yours is absolutely stunning. I left my comments there. I forgot to say I loved the landscape crops you used. Perfect!

  47. Rebecca Cuningham
    | Reply

    Your images of silence are beautiful, Egídio. Island in the Sky! Great theme. Here is my post: https://fakeflamenco.com/2024/11/06/silence-of-the-lens/

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you for this wonderful feedback, Rebecca. I appreciate that, and thanks for your post, too.

  48. norasphotos4u
    | Reply

    Here is mine for the week

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thanks, Nora, for joining the challenge. I appreciate that.

  49. Murtagh's Meadow
    | Reply

    Such peaceful images. All beautiful

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Thank you so much, Karina, for these kind words.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Karina, thank you so much for this feedback. I appreciated it.

  50. Tish Farrell
    | Reply

    This is a very beautiful post, Egidio. Many thanks for introducing me to Robert Adams.

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Many thanks, Tish, for your compliment. I appreciate the feedback. I also left some comments on your fascinating post.

  51. Sylvia Bacon
    | Reply

    Egidio, I love your opening picture of the morning haze in Fortaleza, such beautiful colors and a great picture to frame! Really enjoyed your challenge this week. Your topic was very thoughtful and I learned alot in the process. Thank you. Here is my post: https://mycolorfulexpressions.com/lens-artists-photo-challenge-323-silence/

    • Egidio Leitao
      | Reply

      Sylvia, thank you for your compliment and positive feedback. I’m glad you liked the post and challenge. I left my comments in your post, too.

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