Twin Bridges

Twin Bridges

— Connecting the north shore to Lake Bastrop South Shore, there is a 5-mile (8-km) trail that offers some of the best views in the park. The trail is moderate, but it does have a couple of difficult hilly areas. Another feature of this trail is the number of bridges you will cross, whether hiking or biking. There are about a dozen or so of those bridges, including a floating one. This is the first bridge you cross, if you start your ride at the south end. It is appropriately named Twin Bridges. I have often enjoyed the view at this bridge. On this day earlier this month, I was hiking and had more time to find the perfect spot to make a photo such as the one above: one that would show both bridges. To my advantage, the sunlight was also perfect in creating this atmosphere where the first bridge was in the shadows with the other bridge in the sun. I did not do the entire length of the trail that day since I was hiking, but on a bike, this is a great trip. There is, of course, one area where the loblollies are present.

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  1. Pingback: […] I show Twin Bridges at Lake Bastrop South Shore Park. This is one of my favorite parks to go mountain biking and […]

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