Lens-Artists Challenge #308 – Perfect Pairs

Elizabeth of Albatz Travel Adventures is this week’s Lens-Artists Challenge host. She proposed Perfect Pairs as the challenge. More specifically, she is looking for diptychs. If you are not familiar with the concept, Elizabeth offers a concise explanation:
A diptych is two images placed in proximity to one another, forming a pair. To make a successful pairing there should be several things in common, and something very different, contrasting.
You should visit her post and see the clear examples she gave us to guide us in this challenge. The following are a few examples I chose from my photo library. I’ll provide a slideshow at the end to see all the photos in larger sizes.

I chose Big Bend NP as my first example. Any visitor to the park can see the view on the left in the pair above. However, to get to the actual window — that V-notch in the center — one sees on the right, a visitor must do a 5.5-mile (8.8-km) roundtrip hike with a 961-foot (293-m) elevation. It’s a moderate hike, and with luck (or not), you may even encounter Black Bears along the trail. The trail is more challenging because going to the Window is downhill all the way. So, the return is an uphill climb.

Another example I present is from the North Rim at the Grand Canyon NP. If you are doing a scenic drive along Cape Royal Road, you may stop and appreciate the view on the left. Looking closely, you will see Angels Window, which I zoomed in for the image on the right. Looking even closer, you should see the narrow trail and people on that rock ledge.

Still at the North Rim of the Grand Canyon NP, the drive on Highway 67 to the park’s entrance will pass by large fields where you will see large bison herds grazing. If you’re patient and take your time, you may spot some calves in the middle of the herd.

Let’s hop on a quick flight and head to Fernando de Noronha. You may recall that archipelago from my post last week. Where you have a panoramic view of the Atlantic Ocean in the first image, a careless visitor may overlook Rachel’s Hideaway in the lower right corner in the first photo. This hideaway, legend says, was used by a commander’s daughter to meet her lovers away from home.

Copperfield Nature Trail in Austin has been one of my favorite trails. It was close to our old home and offered great wildlife and wildflower viewing opportunities, such as this Springwater Dancer damselfly. I spotted the damselfly you see on the right on the tree trunk.

And what would Texas be without Bluebonnets in the spring? The official State flower is a magnet for bees and other pollinators. All one needs to do is get closer to capture macros such as the one above.

In closing, I would be remiss if I didn’t honor the upcoming Paris Summer Olympics with synchronized swimming, er, synchronized duck swimming! While taking a break in one of my bike rides, I began watching these Mallard Ducks in the lake where I had stopped. Patience — and a faster shutter speed — paid off! I’d give that performance a 10.
Last week, Leanne challenged us with “Tourist Attractions Near and Far.” I traveled around the world with your beautiful images. This week, Elizabeth challenged us with Perfect Pairs. Check her post for guidance, inspiration, and excellent photos. Don’t forget to use the “lens-artists” hashtag when responding to it so we can easily find it in the Reader.
Next week, PR will explore “Balconies.” Please visit Flights of the Soul next Saturday at noon EDT in the USA. Stay tuned. Please see this page to learn more about the Lens-Artists Challenge and its history.

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Tina Schell
These are all marvelous Egídio. Loved the bluebonnets but loved the ducks even more. Perfect!!
Egidio Leitao
Thank you, Tina. I got a kick seeing those ducks do that with good precision.
Anne Sandler
Beautiful images Egidio! I like how you showed us the full landscape and then brought us in for the featured part. That damselfly is a sure standout in blue.
Egidio Leitao
Many thanks, Anne. The damselfly seems to be easy to spot. Their bright blue color really stands out.
A clever idea, bringing us in from ther whole panorama to the telling detail. A great post!
Egidio Leitao
I am very thankful for your compliment, Margaret. Thanks.
Tra Italia e Finlandia
I Bluebonnets sono i miei preferiti! Buona giornata Egidio. 😊
Egidio Leitao
Tranature - quiet moments in nature
Beautiful photographs and pairings Egidio, I especially love the way you combined the bluebonnets from afar and the macro with the honey bee 💙🐝
Egidio Leitao
Thank you, Xenia.
philosophy through photography
Excellent choice!
Love the Grand Canyon North Rim!
Egidio Leitao
Thanks, Philo.
philosophy through photography
You are welcome, my friend.
Such marvellous choices Egidio.
Egidio Leitao
Thank you, Teresa.
Nice collection of diptychs, Egidio… and those ducks are my favorites. I saw a news story about a pair of Olympian synchronized divers on the news. What a spectacular duo they are. Your ducks reminded me of that story.
Egidio Leitao
Thank you, John.
Wonderful selection of shots that really fit the brief 🙂 Among them all I would choose the Copperfield Nature Trail and Bluebonnets as particular favourites!
Egidio Leitao
Thanks so much, Sarah.
Rebecca Cuningham
I’m seeing double ; ) I think it’s so cute when ducks dive under like that. Dynamic duos.
Egidio Leitao
Thanks, Rebecca.
Outstanding pairings! The ducks provide an extra dimension to ‘dip-tick,’ eh?
Egidio Leitao
LOL. Thanks, Ed.
Marie A Bailey
Gorgeous photos! I love the contrast of distant photos with close-ups. The ducks make a perfect pair of photos!
Egidio Leitao
Thanks, Marie.
Albatz Travel Adventures
I love the way you combined such wonderful landscapes with so many ‘surprises’ that show up when one moves in closer. And I have wondered what ‘bluebonnets’ were, and now I see they are lupines, one of my favourite wild flowers. And your duck photos certainly rate a ’10’ on the humour scale as well!
Egidio Leitao
Thanks, Elizabeth. Yes, bluebonnets are lupines. I’m glad you liked them as well as the ducks. This was a great challenge!
Wandering Dawgs
These are fabulous pairs! I really like the landscapes with the view from far away contrasted with a closer look for more details. I recognized the Angel’s Window from the North Rim of the Grand Canyon! I have some photos that must have been taken from the same place you took yours!
Egidio Leitao
Thank you kindly. We were very likely at the same place. It was one of the stops along the road.
I. J. Khanewala
I like that funny diptych of the mallards. Lovely.
Egidio Leitao
Thanks, I.J. I am glad you liked it, too.
Marvelous images Egidio! What an amazing natural landscape, Angels window is stunning.
Egidio Leitao
Thank you very much, Anita. I appreciate the compliment.
Glorious landscapes as always, Egidio! Love your diving ducks…hope to see the same perfection at the OG…Favourites are always mountains, but this time the road of bluebonnets and the macro stole my heart.
Egidio Leitao
Ann-Christine, I am super happy that your favorites were the Bluebonnets pair. Thanks for the compliment.
Beautiful nature shots! I love the ducks! Bottoms up!!!
Egidio Leitao
Thank you very much, John.
Sofia Alves
Those great outdoors are always fantastic, Egídio and usually my favourite shots on your posts. This one… the last two diptychs are my favourites, I love them.
Egidio Leitao
Thanks for the comments, Sofia. I appreciate them.
Mesmerizing beauty! Great captures!! 💯
Egidio Leitao
Thank you so much, MK. I appreciate the compliment.
Leanne Cole
Fantastic set of photos Egidio, I like the close up and then the zoomed out ones. I didn’t think of doing that.
Egidio Leitao
Thank you very much, Leanne.
It’s such a wonderful set of pictures, Egidio! I enjoyed each one of them 🙂.
Egidio Leitao
Thank you so much, PR.