The Other Side of Nowhere

Sunset at Sauceda

Although I had previously been to Closed Canyon, the first time I actually stayed at Big Bend Ranch State Park was back in 2009. I went there with some friends to explore the park and do some biking. The park truly deserves the line “the other side of nowhere”! Views are amazing, and the distance from any large city makes this an ideal location to “get lost” in Texas wonderland. We stayed at the Sauceda Bunkhouse, just across from the ranger station. Getting there was an adventure in itself. One has to drive approximately 27 miles from the turn-off FM 170 onto a dirt road (Casa Piedra Road) that leads to the Sauceda Bunkhouse.  The road is well maintained, but you should always check with park rangers before going down the road. The bunkhouse itself was built in the 1960s as a hunting lodge. It offers dormitories for 30 people: one side for women and the other for men. During my first visits to the park, we had the option to add a meal plan to our stay. Now, that is gone, but the industrial kitchen is communal for users. No more deliciously cooked meals after a day’s hike, though! You have to make your own food. After a day’s visit around the park, sitting on the porch of the bunkhouse will generally give you views such as the sunset in the photo above. The park offers plenty of hiking and biking trails and views like no other.

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