The Maker of Peace

The Maker of Peace

— If you have ever been to Seminole Canyon SP and visited the Fate Bell Pictograph site, you will have walked right by the bronze statue of The Maker of Peace, by Texas artist Bill Worrell. The sculpture shows a shaman overlooking the Seminole Canyon. The artist currently maintains two studios: one in Santa Fe, New Mexico, and the other on the banks of the Llano River in the little town of Art, Texas. The artist has been creating works for over 30 years. He has a B.A. degree in Sociology (Texas Tech) and an M.F.A. degree in painting and drawing (University of North Texas). The Maker of Peace dominates the view as a visitor to Seminole Canyon SP hikes down to see the pictographs at the Fate Bell Pictograph site. It is a very appropriate sculpture that sets the tone for the pictographs in the area.

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