Texas Panhandle

Texas Panhandle wind turbines

— So, let me be clear from the very start. I do not like Texas politics, and all of my friends share that with me. Sometimes, when friends outside of Texas ask me why I live here, I do not have a real clear answer or one that satisfies those friends. Perhaps it is because Austin is an oasis in the state. Maybe it is because it was here I met my husband and made Austin our home. Regardless of what the answer might actually be, after the events surrounding Texas politics that transpired on September 1, 2021, I found myself looking through some old photos to try and find beauty in Texas. I had to see what it is that attracts me so much in Texas.

So, instead of looking for obvious locations where beauty abounds, I opted to go to distant places without much natural beauty. What you see in the two photos are scenes from the Texas Panhandle, near Amarillo. These Texas skies are a beauty to behold. Yes, I know the wind turbines are controversial, and so is the state politics. In Texas the law won’t mandate a child to wear a mask in school to protect against COVID transmission because it infringes on the child’s rights of freedom. On the other hand, when it comes to a woman’s freedom to choose, the state is clear and opposes that. These photos may as well summarize the difficult and controversial state in which we live. There is beauty and ugliness co-existing in the same area.

The Texas Panhandle is known for many things. You have the Cadillac Ranch. Around this area, you also find Caprock Canyons SP and Palo Duro Canyon SP, and there is a whole lot more. Truth be told, the region is also as flat as a pancake. Maybe that is why these skies are so impressive to travelers like me. If you can’t find beauty on the ground, just look up.

Texas Panhandle wind turbines

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  1. prmckee1
    | Reply

    All well said. As a native Texan, I feel the same about this week’s events in the Texas legislature. I think about all the joy I’ve experienced in Texas’ natural wonders.

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