Patience Rewarded

I am not a birder, as the familiar word goes for people who enjoy bird-watching. I am, instead, a casual bird watcher. If you are wondering what the difference is, it is simple. I enjoy bird-watching at convenient times. I … Read More

Cooper’s Hawks: Masters of Aerial Hunts

“August is the month of the high-sailing hawks. The hen hawk is the most noticeable. He likes the haze and calm of these long, warm days. He is a bird of leisure and seems always at his ease. How beautiful … Read More

A Moment of Stillness

You are not a drop in the ocean;you are the entire ocean in a drop.Rumi I created something new for this month’s ICM photo challenge (ICMPC #7): my first ICM panorama. The process was straightforward. I first made three ICM … Read More

New Home

New home! If you look at the URL for this site, you will see a difference. It used to be, but because of ongoing issues with my WP installation — including the inability to get pingbacks — I have … Read More