Cooper’s Hawks: Masters of Aerial Hunts

“August is the month of the high-sailing hawks. The hen hawk is the most noticeable. He likes the haze and calm of these long, warm days. He is a bird of leisure and seems always at his ease. How beautiful … Read More

Happy World Wildlife Day!

— In case you did not know, March 3 is the United Nations World Wildlife Day. This is the day we celebrate wild animals and plants and their unique roles. This year’s theme is Connecting People and Planet: Exploring Digital … Read More

Lens-Artists Challenge #281: Favorite Images of 2023

If you can’t fly then run, if you can’t run then walk, if you can’t walk then crawl, but whatever you do you have to keep moving forward.Martin Luther King, Jr. Unfortunately, none of that was enough for the squirrel … Read More

Supper Time

— This week I was lucky to witness for the first time the balance of nature. In the first half of the week, I spent a couple of days at Inks Lake SP, just about an hour from Austin, Texas. … Read More