Painted Lady

In September 2021, we spent a few days in the Ruidoso, New Mexico, area. Besides hiking around the area, we also did some sightseeing in other places. On the day we went to White Sands NP, we noticed a beautiful … Read More

Greater Short-Horned Lizard

— What mystery do the eyes of a Grater short-horned lizard hide? These lizards possess distinctively shaped eyes with elongated pupils that are horizontally oriented. This gives them a rather unusual and captivating appearance. The specific reason for the elongated … Read More

Sunrise Harmony

— I normally do not make sunrise photos because I often miss those beautiful moments that precede a sunrise. On our last day in Ruidoso, New Mexico, I happened to get out of bed a bit earlier than usual. While … Read More

Sierra Blanca Peak

— We just returned from a week in scenic Ruidoso, New Mexico. This was a last-minute destination for us. Our plans had been to explore a different part of New Mexico we had not seen before. However, I must say … Read More

Lincoln National Forest

— The second full week in July is National Forest Week in the United States. The event was created by the National Forest Foundation (NFF) in 2019. The NFF is an organization that works “on behalf of the American public … Read More

Mountain Gods

— A year ago we escaped the Texas heat by spending a week in Ruidoso, New Mexico. In one of our side trips there, we headed for a fun afternoon at the Inn of the Mountain Gods Resort and Casino … Read More