Butterflies: Exquisite, Fragile, Ephemeral

Lens-Artists Challenge #300 – Delicate Ann-Christine brought us a tremendous challenge this week, and what a celebration it is to mark 300 Lens-Artists Challenges! She invited us to think about the word delicate’s meanings: “Exquisite, Fragile, Subtle, Elegant.” One thing … Read More

Early Spring Pollinators

— Spring 2023 is off to an excellent start for wildflowers and pollinators. The weather has been varying quite a bit since the beginning of the year. As a result of that, and unseasonably warm winter temperatures, many wildflowers began … Read More

In Our Backyard

— I recently mentioned in a previous post about our backyard landscaping project. We are still adding more plants to attract pollinators. However, with some of the already established plants, the activity I see now has increased daily. There are … Read More

Pipevine Swallowtail

— June 22-28 is National Pollinator Week 2020. The health of pollinators is critical to our environment and ecosystems. You can see an assortment of pollinators here in these pages from bees to bugs and birds. Each one plays an … Read More