Exploring the Nuances of a Single Shade

When it comes to monochromes, I am relatively new to exploring the nuances of a single shade, whether it is black and white or a different one. I looked at what I have published here and only found thirteen posts … Read More


Back in 2022, I was in a photography challenge group. The photos you see here result from a challenge that asked participants to submit a photo using the high-key photography technique. In plain terms, high-key photography is mostly bright and … Read More

Lens-Artists Challenge #305 – Two Rectangles

In previous challenges, we have seen how vital composition is in photography. For example, we challenged you to show us images emphasizing symmetry and asymmetry, backlighting, and leading lines. I thought we would have fun looking at our photos or … Read More

Forever Young: Embracing a Youthful Spirit at Any Age

Lens-Artists Challenge #298: To Be Young Again This week, Tina’s challenge resonated with me on several levels. The title she used, “To Be Young Again,” got me thinking about the ramifications of that phrase. I rarely photograph children, except in … Read More


— Energized is my new year’s word. I am not the kind of person who makes new year’s resolutions. However, for 2023, I chose that word because of an assignment in a photo critique group that I recently joined. The … Read More

Pep Ventosa Experiments

I found out about the Pep Ventosa technique in my photo challenge class a couple of weeks ago. As long as I have been using social media, I never saw anyone I follow using this technique in their photos. Pep … Read More

When It Rains…

— Whenever I go road biking at the Northeast Metro Park, I always like to keep my eyes open for wildflowers and Gilleland Creek. I especially make it a point to bike in that area after heavy rains. True, at … Read More


— Whenever I go biking at Northeast Metro Park, the scenery is always varied and pleasant. The number of wildflowers in that park is always pleasing. Early in the spring, the fields are covered with Bluebonnets, the Texas official state … Read More

Breaking Through

— A couple of years ago, I thought it would be different to photograph the Northeast Metropolitan Park in a different light. This is a park I frequent often because I like going biking there. However, on this particular day, … Read More

Unexpected Quiet

— Sometimes you do not have to travel far to run into unexpected beauty and tranquility. I often go to the Northeast Metropolitan Park to start some of my most scenic bike rides. This pond is close to several soccer … Read More

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