Big Bend’s Biodiversity: From Cacti to Critters

Lens-Artists Challenge #306 – Habitat The National Geographic Society defines habitat as “a place where an organism makes its home.” Tina’s Lens-Artists challenge for this week is Habitat. Her post struck a chord with me: “We hope you’ll join us … Read More

Lens-Artists Challenge #305 – Two Rectangles

In previous challenges, we have seen how vital composition is in photography. For example, we challenged you to show us images emphasizing symmetry and asymmetry, backlighting, and leading lines. I thought we would have fun looking at our photos or … Read More

The Secret Weapon of Great Photos: Mastering the Background

Lens-Artists Challenge #304 – Behind This week’s Lens-Artists challenge is all about what happens behind the scenes. More specifically, Ritva asks us to think about how we compose our images by paying attention to what goes behind our subjects. She … Read More

Find Your Zen: Connecting with Nature

Lens-Artists Challenge #303 – Connections For this week’s Lens-Artists challenge, Donna (of Wind Kisses) proposed a fascinating topic: Connections. In one section of her post, she wrote: Have you ever thought about how photography connects the world? Nobody sees the … Read More

How AI is Changing Photography: The Good, the Bad, and the Creative

Lens-Artists Challenge #302 – Artificial Intelligence and Photography Recently, the discussion about AI (artificial intelligence) use seems to be in every article about photography. There is no consensus on whether it’s a good or bad thing. However, the truth is … Read More

Fragrant Fields: A Floral Fiesta for Flower Fans

Lens-Artists Challenge #301 – Floral For this week’s Lens-Artists challenge, Sofia (of Photographias) has a winning proposition to all her blog readers: “Let’s have a celebration of flowers.” What a more opportune time for those who live in the Northern … Read More

Butterflies: Exquisite, Fragile, Ephemeral

Lens-Artists Challenge #300 – Delicate Ann-Christine brought us a tremendous challenge this week, and what a celebration it is to mark 300 Lens-Artists Challenges! She invited us to think about the word delicate’s meanings: “Exquisite, Fragile, Subtle, Elegant.” One thing … Read More

Hope for Nature: A Breath of Fresh Air

Lens-Artists Challenge #299 – Hopeful This week, Patti challenges us to reflect on what makes us hopeful. Read about it and be inspired here. Through her inspirational words and beautiful photos, she offers various ways we can use to express … Read More

Forever Young: Embracing a Youthful Spirit at Any Age

Lens-Artists Challenge #298: To Be Young Again This week, Tina’s challenge resonated with me on several levels. The title she used, “To Be Young Again,” got me thinking about the ramifications of that phrase. I rarely photograph children, except in … Read More

Lens-Artists Challenge #297: Music to My Eyes

You have likely heard or used the saying, “It’s music to my ears.” The situations vary and can encompass cases when someone compliments or gives you good news. Going beyond that saying, do you believe you can “see” music in … Read More

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