Sunset at ICP

— It has now been seven years since I first experienced the pristine beauty and quietness of the Texas Nature Conservancy’s Independence Creek Preserve. Not much has changed since that first visit. The preserve still has 3-4 Friday open days … Read More


In remote West Texas, the Nature Conservancy of Texas maintains Independence Creek Preserve (ICP), a 702-acre piece of land along the pristine Independence Creek. It is so unfortunate that the preserve is only open to campers twice a year, but … Read More

The Nature Conservancy’s Independence Creek Preserve

— On my first visit to this preserve in 2013, I just could not get over the beauty and tranquility of this place. Also, biking around the preserve was a sight to behold. Upon arriving at ICP, we set up … Read More

The Nature Conservancy’s Independence Creek Preserve

— As one travels on I-10 heading west from Junction towards El Paso, the scenery is not the most appealing. A traveler in that situation has just left the Hill Country behind and is now in flat terrain. A few … Read More