Birds in Monochrome

Happy National Wildlife Day! Inspired by several posts this week, I looked back at my catalog and chose half a dozen images to explore in monochrome. Does the achromatic edit work? The photo above was captured as the sun rose … Read More

Deceptive Name and Secret Weapon

In a previous post, I outlined the differences between Mourning Doves and Inca Doves. Today, I want to offer more details about this lovely bird. Their name, Inca Dove (Columbina Inca), is deceptive because the species does not live in … Read More

Is it a Mourning Dove or an Inca Dove?

Yesterday, I noticed a couple of birds sitting quietly in the bird bath. At first, I thought they were baby mourning doves. When I photographed them and looked at the image I captured, I knew I had a different kind … Read More