Blue and Yellow

With the turmoil the world is experiencing, it becomes tough not to be reminded every minute of the pain many people have been suffering in Ukraine and other parts of the world. One way or another, our lives are impacted … Read More

Get Ready for Fall with the Fiery Oxblood Lily

It is Valentine’s Day whenever you have Oxblood Lilies blooming in your garden. We have planted them in our front yard by the steps to our front door and in the backyard. They bloom in the fall, generally around September … Read More

Brazil Flowers

As the year 2023 is about to close, I looked at the photos I captured this year and tried very hard to pick a few that I had somehow overlooked to post whenever I published a new article. We had … Read More

Leavenworth’s Eryngo

The first time I saw a Leavenworth’s Eryngo flower (also known as sea holly) I was walking along the San Gabriel River in Georgetown, Texas, just about 30 minutes north of Austin. The bright purple colors caught my eye instantly. … Read More

White-Mouth Dayflower & Evening Primrose

— A couple of weeks ago, while on a photo walk with a couple of friends, we spent a couple of hours at Berry Springs Park and Preserve, in Georgetown, Texas, just a few miles north of Austin. I must … Read More

White Prickly Poppy

— White prickly poppy, also known as Argemone albiflora, is a beautiful flowering plant native to North America. It can be found growing in a variety of habitats, including fields, meadows, and roadsides. During the month of May, here in … Read More