Christmas in the Tropics

Sometimes, people forget or are unaware that in the southern hemisphere seasons are reversed. Spring in the northern hemisphere is fall south of the Equator. Therefore, Christmas in the wintertime means summertime in the southern hemisphere. That is the case … Read More

A Brazilian Christmas

— Christmas in Brazil is not much different from what we experience in the northern hemisphere. Well, if you set aside the fact it is summer in Brazil during Christmas, then not much else is different. The malls are packed … Read More


— This year we became members of the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. There are several benefits of such membership, including reciprocal memberships at various other gardens throughout the state and country. There is also specific benefits locally, such as … Read More


— Sometimes we lose sight of how fragile we are. When I made this shot in 2011, we were spending New Year’s in Taos, New Mexico, along with some dear friends. Seeing nature covered with snow and beauty in the … Read More