Last Surf

— “When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the Creator” (Mahatma Gandhi). Another shot from my hometown, Fortaleza (Ceará, Brazil). Admiring the sunset is a local pastime … Read More

Ponte dos Ingleses

— Ponte dos Ingleses (Englishmen Bridge) is also known as Ponte Metálica (Metallic Bridge). It is located in Fortaleza, the capital of the Brazilian northeastern state of Ceará. The bridge began its construction in September 1921, and the name Englishmen … Read More

From the Homeland

— I don’t nearly post as many shots of my hometown as I probably should. A city known for its seafood cuisine, beaches and stunning sunsets, Fortaleza takes pride in her laid-back lifestyle. Along the Beira-Mar Avenue, several places have … Read More

From the Deck

— Our visits to family in Brazil often include spending weekends at Lagoa do Banana, about 45 minutes from our house. One of my brothers has a house at Lagoa. Sometimes it can be busy in the summer, but often … Read More

Fortaleza Sunset

— A sunset at Beira-Mar Avenue in Fortaleza can be magical. It has become a tradition for locals and tourists alike to make sure to be strolling along the seashore at the end of any given day to admire this wonderful scene. … Read More

Praia do Futuro – Fortaleza

Although you would probably not recognize this beach on a weekend — thousands of people here — it is an entirely different scene on a week day. Fortaleza is where I was born and raised. Although I have now lived … Read More

Lagoa do Banana

This is one of those popular places in Fortaleza on weekends. It is about 45 minutes from downtown and very near the beaches of Cumbuco, Icaraí and Barra do Cauípe. It can sometimes get noisy with music and motor boats, … Read More

Iate Clube Beach

— Sunsets along Beira Mar Avenue in Fortaleza, Brazil, are often breathtaking. Several locations along the seashore will be just as beautiful as any other. Whether you are close to the Ponte dos Ingleses or near the Iracema statue, a … Read More

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