Christmas in the Tropics

Sometimes, people forget or are unaware that in the southern hemisphere seasons are reversed. Spring in the northern hemisphere is fall south of the Equator. Therefore, Christmas in the wintertime means summertime in the southern hemisphere. That is the case … Read More

The Rhythm of Life

— In most art forms, primary colors (or “pure colors”) are known to be red, yellow, and blue. They are called primary because they cannot be mixed from other colors. It is from primary colors that we make other colors. … Read More

Succulent Fruit

— Is there something familiar when you look at the fruit above? If it does not ring a bell, don’t be fooled by the red fruit you see (there’s also a smaller, green fruit behind the red one on the … Read More

Unbound Architecture

— Unbound, liberated, unconfined — those are words that come to mind when I think of the architecture in Brazil. Buildings, such as the ones you see in Brasília, the nation’s capital, also clearly give a viewer a sense of … Read More

Waiting for Dinner

— Fortaleza, the capital of Brazil‘s northeastern Ceará state, is known for its beautiful beaches and vibrant nightlife. One of the city’s most popular attractions is its stunning sunsets. The sun sets over the Atlantic Ocean, creating a stunning display … Read More

Castanhão Dam

— Since 2020, I have been spending some time thinking about my photography hobby. For example, I have been experimenting with new things, such as macro photography. Also, for the first time, I have started listening to photography podcasts and … Read More

Icaraí Sunset

— When in Fortaleza (Brazil), sunset worshipping is a way of living. People flock to the beaches to enjoy the Atlantic warm currents and also to wait for the sun to set, especially in locations such as Icaraí and Cumbuco, … Read More

Mercado Central

— Brazilian architect Oscar Niemeyer said: “Curves are the essence of my work because they are the essence of Brazil, pure and simple.” Although he did not design the Mercado Central in my hometown of Fortaleza, one can easily see … Read More

Sunset at Beira-Mar

— What does someone do when one lives on the coast? Well, if you live in Fortaleza (northeast coast of Brazil), watching a sunset is a must. Wouldn’t you do the same if you lived there? Fortaleza is known for … Read More

A Brazilian Christmas

— Christmas in Brazil is not much different from what we experience in the northern hemisphere. Well, if you set aside the fact it is summer in Brazil during Christmas, then not much else is different. The malls are packed … Read More

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