Deep in Nature: An Impressionistic Landscape

Springtime started to show its light in late February 2024. When March rolled around, we began seeing the first Bluebonnets, the State Flower of Texas. My social media feeds are full of photos of that and other wildflowers. That is … Read More


— I first began experimenting with macro photography in late 2019. Testing the waters, I purchased some extension tubes. I fell in love with macro photography right away. I could not imagine the wonders I would discover because of it. … Read More

Green Anole Lizard

One of the joys of the changing weather is that I am able to spend more time outside. In the summertime, even in the mornings sometimes the heat and humidity are uncomfortable. Since the end of August, we have noticed … Read More


— As part of a photography class I am taking this year, students receive an assignment every week. Initially, the focus has been on composition. We have to use new photos only, the photos need to be shot on manual … Read More