Tea Time at the Queen’s Garden

— During our road tour around Utah’s five national parks, hiking the Queen’s Garden trail at Bryce Canyon NP was a high point. Not only are those hoodoos very intriguing, but the fact we were doing that hike in the … Read More

Bryce Morning

— One of the highlights of our visit to Bryce Canyon National Park was a burro ride down the Peek-a-boo Trail. When we arrived to get set-up for the ride, it was 38ºF! Unlike the previous day, when there were … Read More

Blue Ranger

— One of the highlights of our visit to Bryce Canyon National Park in 2016 was a burro ride down into the canyon. Experiencing the beauty of Bryce Canyon from down below was a humbling experience. Seeing those hoodoos and … Read More

The Olympic Torch

At our recent trip to the national parks in Utah, we marveled at the many hoodoos in Bryce Canyon. The Scenic Drive in the park is a must on anyone’s list. At each stopping point, you can spend several minutes … Read More