Lens-Artists Challenge #316 – Destination: Fun

In a recent conversation with a friend, I was asked where I felt more comfortable, whether on the beach or in the mountains. My answer came out without any hesitation: both. I can enjoy myself on a sunny beach just … Read More

Over the Moon

— Right at the start I have to say that night and astrophotography are not areas that I devote much time to in my photography. Nevertheless, whenever there is a new full moon, I am often intrigued by it. So, … Read More

COTA Views

— It seems like it was just yesterday when bike nights at the Circuit of the Americas (COTA) started. That was in the spring of 2017. COVID made us skip a year, but the event returned in 2021. The sponsorship … Read More

Afternoon Reflections

— Another ride, another view. This is one of those moments when you see something and do a double take. As I passed this low-water crossing, the light and shadows reflecting on the calm waters of Gilleland Creek caught my … Read More

Creek Break

— On the usual biking trails I ride, there is always some beautiful scenery along the way. Although I have a few favorite trails in the Austin area, one that always pleases me is the trail that runs along Gilleland … Read More

Balcones District Park

A bike ride along the scenic Balcones District Park trail.… Read More

San Gabriel River

A short and easy hike on the San Gabriel River trail section at Booty’s Road Park.… Read More

Tranquil Morning

— As a new week is about to begin, I already have my mind set on my next zen destination: Lake Bastrop South Shore. I last visited this park, just about 45 minutes from home, on February 2020. Having it … Read More

Morning Glory

— I have ridden my bicycle around our neighborhood and surrounding areas a few times. There are a few reasons I enjoy doing that. First and foremost is the fact that our streets are very quiet and have little traffic. … Read More

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