Floral Friday Frenzy: Celebrating Blooms & Pollinators!

I have been taking more time to bike with this mild spring weather. As always, I bring my camera with me in my backpack. One never knows what one will see. This week was no exception for surprises. I spotted … Read More

Passage of Time

— Clocks and calendars are two of many ways of keeping track of time. Similarly, photography can also capture time, even if just a moment in time. It may not be a continuous depiction of time, but nevertheless, a photo … Read More

Endurance, Courage, Power, and Beauty

— Before anything is said, there needs to be a clarification. All cacti are succulents, but not all succulents are cacti. Therefore, the Aloe Vera plant, for example, is not a cactus. Also, simply because a plant may have thorns … Read More

Pollinator Week

— Is this bee taking a nap or is it totally inebriated with pollen? The third week of June celebrates Pollinator Week. It is an annual event celebrated internationally in support of pollinator health. It is a time to celebrate … Read More

White Prickly Poppy

— White prickly poppy, also known as Argemone albiflora, is a beautiful flowering plant native to North America. It can be found growing in a variety of habitats, including fields, meadows, and roadsides. During the month of May, here in … Read More

Bees on Bluebonnets

— Spring seems to be in full force in Austin, Texas. Not only are the city and surrounding areas getting covered with wildflowers, but pollinators have also started to show en masse around these new wildflowers. In my recent bike … Read More

Pollinating in the Winter

Isn’t it lovely? Here we are in Austin, Texas, just a few days before the official start of winter. This morning I went outside in our front yard to make a photo for a photography group’s weekly challenge. I thought … Read More

Bee-sy bee-sy

— Before I photographed flying dragonflies, the workshop I attended last weekend had our group photograph bees in flight. Here are two shots I made among several others. We were in a large field of wildflowers, and it seemed that … Read More

Busy Bee

— As National Pollinator Week comes to a close, I decided to try one more capture. So, yesterday afternoon I went into our backyard to look for photo opportunities. One of the plants we have there is a magnet for … Read More

Buzzin’ around

— Yet another walk through my neighborhood nature trail proved to be a joy. I am often looking for landscape shots, as several of my photos here show, but lately with home confinement and not much travel, I have been … Read More