An Afternoon in the Amazon Rainforest

Some trips seem to linger on in your mind all your life. Although we have been to many different places, including a number of national parks, national historic sites, national monuments, UNESCO World Heritage sites, and several cities, the Amazon … Read More

Amazon Rainforest

— The Amazon rainforest (or Amazonia) covers most of the Amazon River basin in South America and is distributed across nine nations. Brazil contains the largest portion of that rainforest with nearly 60% of its entirety. Not only is the … Read More

Amazon Adventures

— When we went to Brazil for Christmas 2014, we spent a few days in the Amazon. Besides visiting Manaus, e.g., the Opera House, also known as Teatro Amazonas, we had a special day navigating the Amazon River and some … Read More

Amazon Hammocks

Boats are commonplace when it comes to traveling the Amazon River. In Manaus, the capital city of the state of Amazonas, travelers must arrive early to their boats if they want to catch a privileged location to set up their … Read More