Lens-Artists Challenge #316 – Destination: Fun

In a recent conversation with a friend, I was asked where I felt more comfortable, whether on the beach or in the mountains. My answer came out without any hesitation: both. I can enjoy myself on a sunny beach just … Read More

The Poetic Rhythm of the Shore

Lens-Artists Challenge #314 – Shorelines When you rise to witness the start of a new day, the world is calm and endless. That is the feeling I had when I captured this sunrise in Port Aransas, Texas. I am not … Read More

Monochrome Memories: Brazil’s Coastal Charm

Brazil is known worldwide for various things, including soccer and coffee. Another feature the country is known for is its long coastal line entirely on the Atlantic Ocean: 4,500 miles or 7,400 kilometers. I could not share all my beach … Read More

Balcony Bliss

Lens-Artists Challenge #309 – Balconies Balconies have shown importance throughout time in several ways. They can serve as an intermediary between private and public life. They bring light and air to a home’s room. They also offer views of places … Read More

Strolling Under Pastel-Colored Skies

The three great elemental sounds in nature are the sound of rain, the sound of wind in a primeval wood, and the sound of outer ocean on a beach.Henry Beston This was the scene before us in December 2018. We … Read More

Christmas in the Tropics

Sometimes, people forget or are unaware that in the southern hemisphere seasons are reversed. Spring in the northern hemisphere is fall south of the Equator. Therefore, Christmas in the wintertime means summertime in the southern hemisphere. That is the case … Read More

Filling the Frame

— When I read about Anne’s latest Lens-Artists challenge last week, I wanted to find examples in my photo library that were not necessarily macro photos. Those who have been reading this blog for a while will remember how much … Read More

The Rhythm of Life

— In most art forms, primary colors (or “pure colors”) are known to be red, yellow, and blue. They are called primary because they cannot be mixed from other colors. It is from primary colors that we make other colors. … Read More

Succulent Fruit

— Is there something familiar when you look at the fruit above? If it does not ring a bell, don’t be fooled by the red fruit you see (there’s also a smaller, green fruit behind the red one on the … Read More

Unbound Architecture

— Unbound, liberated, unconfined — those are words that come to mind when I think of the architecture in Brazil. Buildings, such as the ones you see in Brasília, the nation’s capital, also clearly give a viewer a sense of … Read More

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