Deep in Nature: An Impressionistic Landscape

Springtime started to show its light in late February 2024. When March rolled around, we began seeing the first Bluebonnets, the State Flower of Texas. My social media feeds are full of photos of that and other wildflowers. That is … Read More

Deceptive Name and Secret Weapon

In a previous post, I outlined the differences between Mourning Doves and Inca Doves. Today, I want to offer more details about this lovely bird. Their name, Inca Dove (Columbina Inca), is deceptive because the species does not live in … Read More

Texas Red Yucca’s Charm and Elegance

Sometimes you don’t even have to leave home to see beautiful native flowers. I remember when we were in COVID-19 quarantine in 2020. I often looked around in our own yard to see what was out there. Whether birds or … Read More

Time for a Delightful Diversion

You may think you’ve reached the wrong post. Yes, this is a departure from my nature photos. However, looking at my Categories page, you will see that “sports” is there. When the Circuit of the Americas had its inaugural race … Read More

The Skyway Bandit: Master of the Mid-Air Heist

Last year, I began volunteering at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. Besides helping the Center with its Fauna Project, I hang out with a dozen or more photographers every week. I thought I would return to my first time … Read More

Whispering Waves: Calm and Wild

Lens-Artists Challenge #293: Water in Motion There’s a deep connection between moving water and the human spirit. I find the power of listening to water soothing and entrancing. Some of the best hikes I have done include trails along creeks. … Read More

Texas Treasures: The Seductive Firewheel Wildflower

“Flowers…are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities in the world.”Ralph Waldo Emerson One of the beautiful things about springtime in Texas is the parade of colors we find along back roads and highways. When … Read More

Water and Peace

Today, on March 22nd, we celebrate World Water Day! It’s a day dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of freshwater and inspiring action to address the global water crisis. The United Nations leads this initiative, emphasizing the need for … Read More

Daring to Be Different

— Spring is in full swing in Austin, Texas. Yesterday, I joined a couple of photographers on a short walk at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. I had not been there in two weeks. What a difference it was! … Read More

Keepin’ it Weird: A Look at Austin’s Skyline

Lens-Artists Challenge #291: Cityscapes — I knew I had an intimidating task when I read Patti’s latest Lens-Artist’s challenge about cityscapes. She gave us plenty to work with when she wrote we could focus on “cities, large and small, near … Read More

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