First Freeze

— Texas is truly a mixed bag when it comes to weather. One day we are in shorts and t-shirts, and the next day we experience a freeze. That was the case for the first couple of days in January … Read More

Colors in Copperfield – Other Colors

— Sometimes it is good to look at nature without colors. Often colors will get our attention and take away details. In the leaves above, I wanted to see the details our eyes can perceive when we desaturate the scene. … Read More

Colors in Copperfield – Reds, Oranges, Yellows

— After my arrival at the Copperfield Nature Trail pond, once I saw colors around it (see the first post in this series for a brief introduction), I decided I had to get closer and photograph more of the details. … Read More

Colors in Copperfield

— In mid-November 2021, I decided to take a quick walk in our neighborhood park, Copperfield Nature Trail (Austin, Texas). If you have been following my photos here for a while, you know this park is one of my favorites. … Read More

Love in the Afternoon

— I am not sure how many photographers associate photography with music. I know of a few that do. I also tend to remember songs when I am making photographs such as the one above. This particular scene made me … Read More

Brazilian Rock Rose

— A couple of months ago we went for a visit at our favorite Austin nursery, Garden Seventeen. We were looking for some native plants to add to our front and back yards. After the 2021 February snowcalypse, a few … Read More

Sunset at COTA

— It is really hard to imagine that it has now been four years that the Circuit of the Americas began its Tuesday evenings bike rides. I have gone biking there pretty regularly now. In 2020, because of the pandemic … Read More


— I don’t know how long I have waited to photograph a hummingbird in our own backyard, here in Austin. Although I had previously seen them quickly drinking the nectar from some of our flowers, I had never been able … Read More

Alamo Vine

— If you find there is some resemblance of this Alamo Vine flower to the Morning Glory flower, it is because the two flowers share the same family. Also known as Noyau Vine or Correhuela De Las Doce, the Alamo … Read More

Common Spotted Whiptail

— As many times as I have visited the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin, Texas, I often run into this tiny and fast lizard on the ground. The Center is known for its wildflowers and pollinators mostly. However, … Read More

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