Sunset View Point

Sunset View Point

— Here is another stop on the south rim scenic drive at the Black Canyon of the Gunnison NP. This is the scene at the Sunset View Point. This is the westernmost point on the south rim drive, and it offers a wider view of the canyon with the Gunnison River meandering down below. Way far in the distance you have the Uncompahgre River valley. The parking area is just under one tenth of a mile (0.16 km) to this point. Since light reaches the bottom of the canyon more easily in the area, you can actually see grown trees at the bottom of the canyon. In other overlooks, that is not the case. In the photo below, I zoomed in so you can have a better view of the rapids in the Gunnison River as well as some small trees on the canyon sides.

Gunnison River

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