Southern Walnut Creek

Southern Walnut Creek— Friends know that I enjoy biking a lot. Since retiring, I have been able to devote more time to that favorite pastime. There is something about being outdoors and having the breeze on your face or against your back. Another plus is the scenery I enjoy along the trails I frequently use. In the shot above, the morning sun was getting high and beginning to break through in one section of the Southern Walnut Creek hike and bike trail. The trail is approximately ten to ten and a half miles long in each direction. Even though it is in the middle of the city and cuts a north-south direction, you often feel you are in the middle of nowhere since for the most part, you see no signs of civilization. I especially like riding this trail on week days because of the few number of people I see and pass by. Furthermore, I sometimes run into some occasional wildlife, such as snakes, deer and turtles besides a variety of birds flying around.

As for the photo below, it may not show much, but this is the start of the steep half-mile hill around mile six if you’re heading north on the trail. I consider myself one of the lucky ones because I’m able to do this hill without stopping or getting off the bike. This is also a fun hill on the way back. It’s all downhill, and I tend to reach speeds of 25-28 mph (40-45 km/hr).


So. Walnut Creek hill


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