
Shiprock— When we went back to Arizona and New Mexico in 2010, there were a few places we had missed in our previous visits to that area. This was the trip we visited Canyon de Chelly a second time. Leaving Canyon de Chelly, we asked a few locals which route we should take to get to Farmington, New Mexico. Everyone enthusiastically recommended the Indian Routes 12 and 13. What a thrill that was! We climbed over some mountains and even had some snow flurries along the way. However, unbeknownst to us, we had a very nice surprise when we got to one of the highest points along the way. We began seeing this mysterious rock formation. It was as impressive from a distance as it was when we drove right past it. I’m referring to Shiprock, which you see in the photo above. The Navajo calls this formation “rock with wings” or “winged rock.” Shiprock is a monadnock or an isolated hill or ridge or erosion-resistant rock rising above a plain. It stands 1,583 feet (482.5 m) above the desert plain, and it’s not very far from the Four Corners region.

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