Pyramid Creek

Pyramid Creek

— On our trip to the national parks in the state of Washington we enjoyed the solitude in the trails in North Cascades. Staying in town in Seattle during the weekends assured us very few people on the trails on week days. That was true in all three national parks in Washington. In North Cascades, especially, the remoteness of most trails was a special treat. 

When we hiked Diablo Lake, for example, we never once crossed paths with another human being! It was also there that we witnessed some rock falls from the safety of our car. We heard thunderous noise and looked up and saw the rock fall.

Also in that area, we hiked to Pyramid Lake, a short hike with moderate elevation. The lake is really more like a large pond, but from its location one can see Pyramid Mountain. Another impressive highlight is the cross on Pyramid Creek. This is like an idyllic place. When we were hiking there, the weather was misty and mysterious. The green in the moss was more intense. It was like fairy tale landscape.

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