Paradise Found

Paradise Found

Wherever my travels may lead, paradise is where I am.

Yesterday afternoon, knowing there will be a first freeze of the year over the coming weekend, I went for a hike at Berry Springs Park & Preserve in Georgetown, Texas. The preserve is only 25 minutes from my house. I was not sure what I would find. The preserve has a little bit of everything for nature lovers. The gardens attract pollinators. The wildlife viewing area can surprise you with a variety of animals. The large pond and creek bring several aquatic wildlife from egrets to ducks. There are even a couple of donkeys in a section of the park. It is one of those tranquil places to wander around with no agenda in mind and enjoy a cool, sunny day, such as yesterday. After seeing several birds and a Red Admiral butterfly, I thought that would be it. Suddenly, near one of the ponds and around a curve, I came up to the scene in this photo. To me, it was like paradise found. The light was filtering through the trees, creating a tunnel of mystery. I left the park content with what I had seen.

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29 Responses

  1. Egidio, your introduction to “preserve” has been truly appreciated.
    Your keen professional eye for photography didn’t let this opportunity slip by, and now, thanks to you, we get to revel in the marvel that is “paradise” on earth.

  2. Anne Sandler
    | Reply

    So beautiful Egidio! What a treasure with perfect lighting.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thanks, Anne. I’m lucky to have places like that near home.

  3. Yanti
    | Reply

    what perfect framing! Like a ‘tunnel’ into the unknown, full of mystery yet so exciting!

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Yanti, that arching branch above the lighted area was really calling my attention. Thank you for your feedback.

  4. Marie
    | Reply

    Lovely light

  5. margaret21
    | Reply

    Paradise Found indeed. And so near your home. Lucky you!

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Margaret, yes, I’m lucky to have that close to home. Thanks for your feedback.

  6. Tranature - quiet moments in nature
    | Reply

    What a beautiful find Egidio, I love the way you captured the spirit of this paradise in your photo 😊

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      I’m glad you liked it, Xenia. Thanks for the comment.

  7. Tomi Rovira
    | Reply

    A beautiful path.

  8. Anita
    | Reply

    Magically beautiful!

  9. restlessjo
    | Reply

    The light is so beautiful.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      It was really beautiful. Thanks for the comment.

  10. Brad
    | Reply

    Great image and setting. It is like finding paradise or some fairy village!

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      A “fairy” in a fairy land — that’s how I felt. 🙂 Thanks for the feedback, Brad.

  11. Rebecca Cuningham
    | Reply

    Sounds like paradise to me! Snowstorm here, just skied my driveway.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Thanks for your comment. Stay warm. Today, the windchill here is already 40 F even though it’s very sunny. Temps will dip more over the weekend.

      • Rebecca Cuningham
        | Reply

        You may have that rare Texas snow! Bet the grocery stores are busy.

  12. Klausbernd
    | Reply

    Hi Egidio
    Paradise doesn’t mean much for us but we like your moody picture. Beautiful colour editing.
    Thanks for sharing
    The Fab Four of Cley
    🙂 🙂 🙂 🙂

  13. Wind Kisses
    | Reply

    A tunnel of mystery indeed. I love it when a photo makes us wonder, like what is around the bend. But wow. The lighting here.

    • Egídio Leitão
      | Reply

      Donna, those kinds of scenes are like asking us to photograph them. Thanks for your feedback.

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