Chisos Mountains
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— After a couple of years since our last visit, this past spring we spent a week in Big Bend National Park. We’ve been going to Big Bend NP since 2001, when I was first introduced to the beauty and … Read More

Praia do Cachorro
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— Although Trip Advisor does not list this beach as the most beautiful in the world (Praia do Sancho gets that honor), Praia do Cachorro (Dog’s Beach) is a beautifully secluded beach right in the heart of Fernando de Noronha … Read More

Last Surf
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— “When I admire the wonders of a sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in the worship of the Creator” (Mahatma Gandhi). Another shot from my hometown, Fortaleza (Ceará, Brazil). Admiring the sunset is a local pastime … Read More

Last Flight
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— Every year we try to make a trip to the coast to get our fill of relaxation by the ocean. We try to avoid the summer crowds by going in early October. The beaches and restaurants are definitely less … Read More

Nature’s Palette
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— Another gift by Mother Nature, the Painted Desert in Petrified Forest National Park is a wonder of colors and textures. With colors ranging from lavender to shades of gray, deep red, orange and pink, this area covers over 93,500 … Read More

Ponte dos Ingleses
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— Ponte dos Ingleses (Englishmen Bridge) is also known as Ponte Metálica (Metallic Bridge). It is located in Fortaleza, the capital of the Brazilian northeastern state of Ceará. The bridge began its construction in September 1921, and the name Englishmen … Read More

Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive
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— Although this photo is over 10 years old, the magic of a sunset on the Chisos Mountains as seen from the Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive is breathtaking. The red and orangeg colors are vibrant and intense giving the Chisos … Read More

Capitol Reef National Park
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— Another stop at Capitol Reef National Park‘s Panorama Point. This place is magnificent. Just about anywhere you look, you’ll see beautiful sights. Of course, it helped us tremendously that we were there close to the sunset. The lighting was … Read More

From the Homeland
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— I don’t nearly post as many shots of my hometown as I probably should. A city known for its seafood cuisine, beaches and stunning sunsets, Fortaleza takes pride in her laid-back lifestyle. Along the Beira-Mar Avenue, several places have … Read More

From the Deck
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— Our visits to family in Brazil often include spending weekends at Lagoa do Banana, about 45 minutes from our house. One of my brothers has a house at Lagoa. Sometimes it can be busy in the summer, but often … Read More

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