Hummingbird Moth
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— I can now check another item off my bucket list when it comes to wildlife. In April this year, I went for a hike at the Balcones Canyonlands National Wildlife Refuge, just 40 minutes from home in Austin, Texas. … Read More

Second Freeze
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— Another freeze has come and gone in Texas. A few weeks ago, I wrote about the first freeze of this year. This second freeze was much stronger, but it was nothing like the 2021 freeze. Nevertheless, we had three … Read More

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— As part of a photography class I am taking this year, students receive an assignment every week. Initially, the focus has been on composition. We have to use new photos only, the photos need to be shot on manual … Read More

First Freeze
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— Texas is truly a mixed bag when it comes to weather. One day we are in shorts and t-shirts, and the next day we experience a freeze. That was the case for the first couple of days in January … Read More

Colors in Copperfield – Other Colors
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— Sometimes it is good to look at nature without colors. Often colors will get our attention and take away details. In the leaves above, I wanted to see the details our eyes can perceive when we desaturate the scene. … Read More

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— Recently I spent some time around our backyard in Austin looking at things and discovering hidden gems. What that meant is that I was walking around with my macro lens and finding things we normally do not look at … Read More

Brazilian Rock Rose
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— A couple of months ago we went for a visit at our favorite Austin nursery, Garden Seventeen. We were looking for some native plants to add to our front and back yards. After the 2021 February snowcalypse, a few … Read More

Castanhão Dam
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— Since 2020, I have been spending some time thinking about my photography hobby. For example, I have been experimenting with new things, such as macro photography. Also, for the first time, I have started listening to photography podcasts and … Read More

Common Spotted Whiptail
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— As many times as I have visited the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin, Texas, I often run into this tiny and fast lizard on the ground. The Center is known for its wildflowers and pollinators mostly. However, … Read More

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— After the hard week-long freeze and snow fall that hit Texas in February 2021, a lot of local shrubs and trees suffered devastating effects. Throughout the city, it was evident to see the damage caused. Most noticeable were palms. … Read More

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