Lens-Artists Challenge #305 – Two Rectangles
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In previous challenges, we have seen how vital composition is in photography. For example, we challenged you to show us images emphasizing symmetry and asymmetry, backlighting, and leading lines. I thought we would have fun looking at our photos or … Read More

Chasing the Last Rays: A Summer Solstice Sunset
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June 20, 2024, marks the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere. I wanted to celebrate the date with this sunset photo I captured at Brushy Creek Lake. This is one of my favorite biking trails in Austin. The lake is … Read More

McDonald Falls
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Glacier National Park often gets me thinking of conservation and a clean Earth. Its streams, rivers, lakes, and waterfalls have a typical glacier color, making everything look pristine. Although the park’s glaciers are melting fast, there are still several locations … Read More

How AI is Changing Photography: The Good, the Bad, and the Creative
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Lens-Artists Challenge #302 – Artificial Intelligence and Photography Recently, the discussion about AI (artificial intelligence) use seems to be in every article about photography. There is no consensus on whether it’s a good or bad thing. However, the truth is … Read More

Hope for Nature: A Breath of Fresh Air
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Lens-Artists Challenge #299 – Hopeful This week, Patti challenges us to reflect on what makes us hopeful. Read about it and be inspired here. Through her inspirational words and beautiful photos, she offers various ways we can use to express … Read More

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Today is the last day of National Park Week 2024. I recently featured scenes at Big Bend NP, Glacier NP, and Yosemite NP. I chose a monochrome at Grand Teton NP to close the nine-day celebration. “Your light is more … Read More

He Is Risen
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This is Decision Point Peak. I used to go to Reveille Peak Ranch to ride my mountain bike. Besides dozens of fun trails–some hard, some easy–when you ride to Decision Point, you can be assured of breathtaking views of the … Read More

Whispering Waves: Calm and Wild
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Lens-Artists Challenge #293: Water in Motion There’s a deep connection between moving water and the human spirit. I find the power of listening to water soothing and entrancing. Some of the best hikes I have done include trails along creeks. … Read More

Keepin’ it Weird: A Look at Austin’s Skyline
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Lens-Artists Challenge #291: Cityscapes — I knew I had an intimidating task when I read Patti’s latest Lens-Artist’s challenge about cityscapes. She gave us plenty to work with when she wrote we could focus on “cities, large and small, near … Read More

Whispers in White: Aspen Spirits of the Forest
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— In our July 2022 trip to Colorado, in addition to taking several memorable hikes, I was constantly open to surprises. As I often tell my friends, I photograph when I travel and do not always travel to make photos. … Read More

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