Feathered Fiesta: Cedar Waxwings Throw a Birdbath Party
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This week, I. J. Khanewala’s Bird of the Week invitation reminded me of Cedar Waxwing birds found in Texas. Although Small Pratincoles (Glareola lactea) and Cedar Waxwings (Bombycilla cedrorum) are not related, I saw some resemblance, particularly in the feather … Read More

Lamar Valley: A Valley of Enchanting Vistas
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Even in the summertime, Lamar Valley at Yellowstone National Park is where you can find peace, hike with pronghorn deer close to you, see elk and bison herds, and may even encounter a black or grizzly bear. When we first … Read More

Strolling Under Pastel-Colored Skies
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The three great elemental sounds in nature are the sound of rain, the sound of wind in a primeval wood, and the sound of outer ocean on a beach.Henry Beston This was the scene before us in December 2018. We … Read More

Off the Beaten Path at Devil’s Garden Trail
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Lens-Artists Challenge #290: Circular Wonders — When Ann-Christine proposed “this challenge would be about Circular Wonders,” I did not doubt that I would feature Arches NP. Although the National Park Service says there are over 2,000 documented arches, the actual … Read More

Would you Like to Have Breakfast with Me?
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— Since the Fall of 2023, I have started volunteering at the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center in Austin, Texas. I joined the Fauna Project at the Center. That project began in March 2010 to create an inventory of non-human … Read More

Dramatic Underground
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Lens-Artists Challenge #282: Dramatic For this week’s Lens-Artists challenge, Patti poses the question: what makes a photo dramatic? I thought that one place in the US defines dramatic for me: Carlsbad Caverns National Park. The caverns are dramatic in size, … Read More

Christmas in the Tropics
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Sometimes, people forget or are unaware that in the southern hemisphere seasons are reversed. Spring in the northern hemisphere is fall south of the Equator. Therefore, Christmas in the wintertime means summertime in the southern hemisphere. That is the case … Read More

Black and White or Monochrome
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— According to PhotographyLife website, black and white photography is defined as “the art of using different tones of gray, ranging from white to dark, to create compelling images.” It is not as easy as one might think. A lot … Read More

The Rhythm of Life
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— In most art forms, primary colors (or “pure colors”) are known to be red, yellow, and blue. They are called primary because they cannot be mixed from other colors. It is from primary colors that we make other colors. … Read More

Sanctuary of Bom Jesus do Monte
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— Braga is the largest city in the northern Portuguese region of Minho. Although not a heavily visited destination in Portugal, the city is known as the oldest Portuguese city. One of the many attractions the city has is Igreja … Read More

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