Lens-Artists Challenge #316 – Destination: Fun
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In a recent conversation with a friend, I was asked where I felt more comfortable, whether on the beach or in the mountains. My answer came out without any hesitation: both. I can enjoy myself on a sunny beach just … Read More

Birds in Monochrome
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Happy National Wildlife Day! Inspired by several posts this week, I looked back at my catalog and chose half a dozen images to explore in monochrome. Does the achromatic edit work? The photo above was captured as the sun rose … Read More

The Poetic Rhythm of the Shore
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Lens-Artists Challenge #314 – Shorelines When you rise to witness the start of a new day, the world is calm and endless. That is the feeling I had when I captured this sunrise in Port Aransas, Texas. I am not … Read More

Lens-Artists Challenge #305 – Two Rectangles
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In previous challenges, we have seen how vital composition is in photography. For example, we challenged you to show us images emphasizing symmetry and asymmetry, backlighting, and leading lines. I thought we would have fun looking at our photos or … Read More

Skyline Drive
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Davis Mountains State Park in West Texas is one of my favorite state parks. Something about the area moves me. The views are breathtaking, and the open spaces are wider than anywhere else in Texas. The skyline’s vast openness is … Read More

Hope for Nature: A Breath of Fresh Air
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Lens-Artists Challenge #299 – Hopeful This week, Patti challenges us to reflect on what makes us hopeful. Read about it and be inspired here. Through her inspirational words and beautiful photos, she offers various ways we can use to express … Read More

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Today is the last day of National Park Week 2024. I recently featured scenes at Big Bend NP, Glacier NP, and Yosemite NP. I chose a monochrome at Grand Teton NP to close the nine-day celebration. “Your light is more … Read More

Balanced Beauty: Unveiling the Wonder of Grapevine Hills
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Lens-Artists Challenge #295: Rock Your World When I read about Donna’s challenge, Rock Your World, I knew exactly where I was going. Of all the places I have visited, very few hikes can compare to the exquisite beauty of the … Read More

Dust Storms: An intriguing weather phenomenon
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Lens-Artists Challenge #286: Weather I was unsure I could weather this week’s challenge that Anne posted. With English as a second language, I had to re-read her post carefully. I did not know whether we were discussing the same thing. … Read More

Lens-Artists Challenge #285: Warm Colors
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Have you ever thought about your images’ impact on viewers based on your photos’ color schemes? If you search online for color psychology, you will find several articles and studies on the subject. For this week’s challenge, I invite you … Read More

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