The Poetic Rhythm of the Shore
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Lens-Artists Challenge #314 – Shorelines When you rise to witness the start of a new day, the world is calm and endless. That is the feeling I had when I captured this sunrise in Port Aransas, Texas. I am not … Read More

Balcony Bliss
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Lens-Artists Challenge #309 – Balconies Balconies have shown importance throughout time in several ways. They can serve as an intermediary between private and public life. They bring light and air to a home’s room. They also offer views of places … Read More

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Back in 2022, I was in a photography challenge group. The photos you see here result from a challenge that asked participants to submit a photo using the high-key photography technique. In plain terms, high-key photography is mostly bright and … Read More

McDonald Falls
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Glacier National Park often gets me thinking of conservation and a clean Earth. Its streams, rivers, lakes, and waterfalls have a typical glacier color, making everything look pristine. Although the park’s glaciers are melting fast, there are still several locations … Read More

Halfway Between the Equator and the North Pole
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I do not have a list of places I need or want to go. However, I admit that while traveling, I always make a point to check some exciting and unplanned locations along the way. That happened when we were … Read More

The Short Hike with Big Rewards: Exploring Santa Elena Canyon
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Many photos show the Santa Elena Canyon and its massive walls as one approaches the canyon. It is, after all, an iconic site in Big Bend NP. On the other hand, the view from inside the canyon and looking out … Read More

Hope for Nature: A Breath of Fresh Air
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Lens-Artists Challenge #299 – Hopeful This week, Patti challenges us to reflect on what makes us hopeful. Read about it and be inspired here. Through her inspirational words and beautiful photos, she offers various ways we can use to express … Read More

Lamar Valley: A Valley of Enchanting Vistas
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Even in the summertime, Lamar Valley at Yellowstone National Park is where you can find peace, hike with pronghorn deer close to you, see elk and bison herds, and may even encounter a black or grizzly bear. When we first … Read More

Beyond the Literal: Unveiling the Abstract in Your Day
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The world around us offers much more than the unobservant eye can see. Frequently, we are caught up in the big picture and overlook seeing what is right in front of us. So, that is what Ritva proposed to us … Read More

Whispering Waves: Calm and Wild
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Lens-Artists Challenge #293: Water in Motion There’s a deep connection between moving water and the human spirit. I find the power of listening to water soothing and entrancing. Some of the best hikes I have done include trails along creeks. … Read More

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