Stormy Clouds over Enchanted Rock
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— Exactly 13 years ago today, we were hiking at Enchanted Rock State Natural Area. We had gone to get some good barbecue at Cooper’s in Llano and decided to drive over to Enchanted Rock to burn some of the … Read More

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— Last week I went for an afternoon hike at Pedernales Falls State Park, just about an hour from Austin. The river was flowing beautifully and provided memorable moments such as the photo above. I sat in this area and … Read More

Guadalupe River
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— The Guadalupe River State Park land was purchased from private owners in 1974 and opened as a state park in 1983. The park is very popular with campers, swimmers, and tubers in the summer, and it also offers mountain … Read More

Springtime by the Medina River
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— Springtime in Texas can mean rainy days or beautiful crisp days with plenty of sunlight. The photo above was made in early spring, as you can see by the lack of leaves on the trees. It was during the … Read More

St. Edwards Park
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— On this Thanksgiving day, it is wonderful to be able to thank for the beautiful outdoors in our own city. Austin is privileged to be in the Hill Country area of Texas. The city maintains good parks and trails. … Read More

Inks Lake
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— When temperatures rise in Texas, there’s no better way to stay cool than in the water. This shot was made three years ago to the day, when I was enjoying the Texas Hill Country along with friends. Inks Lake … Read More

Decision Point
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— A mountain bike ride at Reveille Peak Ranch, outside of Burnet, Texas, is a thrill in many ways. The facilities are over 1,300 acres and include camping and lots of various mountain biking trails, including loops, single and double … Read More

Lone Star
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— Paraphrasing Davy Crockett, I wasn’t born in Texas but I got here as quickly as I could. I guess that applies to me. As long as I have lived in Texas (longer than in my home country!), Texas has … Read More

By the Medina River
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— Through a contact known to a friend of mine, we were lucky to secure a long weekend in Bandera, the Texas Cowboy Capital of the World. We like the Bandera area a lot. It has great food (barbecue, Tex-Mex, … Read More

Pedernales River
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— Fall in Central Texas is just like springtime: hit and miss in terms of drama. Back in 2014, I took a loop drive around Austin in order to observe fall colors. That was a very good year for dramatic … Read More

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