Love in the Afternoon
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— I am not sure how many photographers associate photography with music. I know of a few that do. I also tend to remember songs when I am making photographs such as the one above. This particular scene made me … Read More

Bald Cypress
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— With the weather finally cooling down in Central Texas, everyone is now waiting to see if this year will be one for gorgeous fall foliage colors, such as in the photo above. This photo was made in November 2019 … Read More

Creek Trail
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— Balcones Canyonlands NWR is a place full of surprises. In my most recent time spent at the refuge, I enjoyed a very tranquil and easy hike along the Creek Trail. That is the easiest of all trails in the … Read More

Golden Sabinal
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— Peace and beauty abound in the Texas Hill Country. Just about a month ago, we stayed in a cabin right by the Sabinal River. Literally, from our back porch we could see and hear the tranquil waters of the … Read More

Copperfield Pond
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— On a mid-November cool fall day, I decided to go for a short walk in my neighborhood park, Copperfield Nature Trail. It was a beautiful, cool, sunny day with plenty of light and shadows. Coupled with that was the … Read More

Follow the Light
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— When I was walking at this small nature trail in north central Ausitn, I realized that beauty is everywhere around you. This park, Copperfield Nature Trail, is very close to my house. I sometimes go there to hike a … Read More

Spicewood Creek
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— After a long and super hot summer, the first sign of cooler weather was all my friends and I needed to get out and enjoy the outdoors more fully, i.e., camping. We did not have to go very far … Read More

Pedernales River
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— So, here we are in October, and high temperatures are still in the upper 90s and even reaching the century mark! What is a guy to do to get fall weather? Well, I have to go back to some … Read More

Bald Cypress Trail
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— Just two years ago (November 2017), that was the scene around Guadalupe River SP. I stopped there on my way back home to take a short hike along the Bald Cypress Trail. Fall foliage was stunning. The trail is … Read More

Southern Walnut Creek
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— Just last November 2018 this was the scene at the Southern Walnut Creek Hike and Bike trail. Fall colors were all over the trail. As we begin Fall 2019, I wonder where we will have a beautiful display of … Read More

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