Pollinator Week
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— Is this bee taking a nap or is it totally inebriated with pollen? The third week of June celebrates Pollinator Week. It is an annual event celebrated internationally in support of pollinator health. It is a time to celebrate … Read More

A Haven of Peace
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— In today’s hectic world, it can be difficult to find peace or a place to relax and escape the noise and stress. We are constantly bombarded with noise, stress, and anxiety. But it’s important to have a haven of … Read More

Fall’s Parting Glances
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“No one realizes how beautiful it is to travel until he comes home and rests his head on his old, familiar pillow.” Those are words by Chinese author Lin Yutang. Along those lines, there is also something very comfortable about … Read More

Four O’Clock Flower
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While walking at Copperfield Nature Trail (Austin, Texas), near my home, I saw this flower for the very first time. I was surprised to see it there at the entrance of the trail. As often as I have been going … Read More

Kindness, Health, Wellness
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I looked at my photo library and considered using one of the photos I have to match this week’s theme in the Nature Photographers Network group of which I am a member. However, I wanted to push myself a bit … Read More

Navajo Blanket
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I have often heard that photographers should familiarize themselves with a location before they go out for a photoshoot. It pays to know your surroundings and what to expect out of them. I have made full use of that knowledge … Read More

Alamo Vine
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— If you find there is some resemblance of this Alamo Vine flower to the Morning Glory flower, it is because the two flowers share the same family. Also known as Noyau Vine or Correhuela De Las Doce, the Alamo … Read More

Fairy Tale
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— If you live in Austin, you know we do not get much snow here. Sometimes it does not even snow every year. So, this past Sunday we had a lot of snow in the area. Some places just north … Read More

Faux Foliage
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— About ten days ago I took a walk at Copperfield Nature Trail, just about 0.8 miles (1.24 km) from our house. My intent was to look for wildflowers blooming at this time of the year. Right at the entrance … Read More

Buzzin’ around
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— Yet another walk through my neighborhood nature trail proved to be a joy. I am often looking for landscape shots, as several of my photos here show, but lately with home confinement and not much travel, I have been … Read More

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