South Rim
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— It is believed that on a clear day, one can see forever. You can see how that works if you do the hike to the South Rim of Chisos Mountains at Big Bend NP. I think I’ve done this … Read More

Up Close to Mule Ears
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— If you have ever visited Big Bend NP and taken the Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive, you most likely have seen the shot above — except from the distance. This is the iconic Mule Ears Peak. However, you are only … Read More

Mule Ears
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— From several areas in Big Bend National Park, and especially along the Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive, Mule Ears can be seen out in the distance. It is an impressive view even if you only admire it from the overlook … Read More

The Window’s Edge
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— Yesterday I posted a view from the Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive showing the Chisos Mountains. If you look at that image closely, you can see a small V-shaped cut in the mountain. That’s the other side of the Window. … Read More

Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive
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— Although this photo is over 10 years old, the magic of a sunset on the Chisos Mountains as seen from the Ross Maxwell Scenic Drive is breathtaking. The red and orangeg colors are vibrant and intense giving the Chisos … Read More

Casa Grande Peak
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The Chisos Mountains are located entirely within the boundaries of Big Bend National Park, making it the only mountain range contained completely in a national park. One can actually see the entire range from some key outside-of-the-park locations. It is … Read More

The Beauty of Contrast: Bluebonnet and Texas Yellow Star
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Springtime in Texas is the season to be outside. The variety of wildflowers on display changes each week, with vibrant colors everywhere. This morning, while on a photo shoot with a friend, we visited the Lady Bird Johnson Wildflower Center. … Read More

Chimneys Trail
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— Where in Texas is this view? This trail is one of those that is best taken in the winter, when temperatures are milder in west Texas. We did that hike eleven years ago. After having been to Big Bend National … Read More

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